FOAB Information

Wednesday 7 February 2007

All It Took Was 1 Brit Death

Over the last few days, nobody could of avoided seeing the sickening scenes of the American planes bombing the British tank convoy in the 'friendly fire' Gulf War incident.
A Lance Corporal lost his life and another 4 were injured as the vilification of American tactics and American pilots rumbles through the media.
As terrible and harrowing as this attack was, there have been worse atrocities where innocents have lost their lives in such a way but without the same degree of mourning.
In 2004, an American helicopter fired on a wedding party in western Iraq killing more than 40 people, including many children. Whole families wiped out in seconds.
The Chinese Embassy mistake, the Afghan Hospital debacle, the 100+ Afghan elders bombed by US fighter jets as they walked to safety, the more recent bombing of the building in Pakistan that killed over 80 worshippers. The grim list is endless and not to lessen the death of one British soldier, but where was the condemnation when all these other attacks were happening?
Maybe dropping such devastating weapons from the safety of a few thousands feet therefore multiplying the danger of innocent deaths below tenfold, is not such a good idea after all.
Shame it took the death of a single Brit to make everyone else realise it.


  1. Dear Lucy, if the true number of 'friendly fire' incidents was to be known, the public would be horrified.

    I certainly wouldn't want to be involved with fighting alongside Americans. They train their killers too well!

  2. DOn't forget the Canadians that got bombed during that training...
