FOAB Information

Monday 5 February 2007

British Jews Make A Stand

For anyone that isn't Jewish, condemnation of Israel always opens a can of worms which is why 130 of Britain's most prominent Jews have created Independent Jewish Voices (JIV).
The initiative was born out of a frustration with the widespread misconception that the Jews of this country speak with one voice - and that this voice supports the Israeli government’s policies unconditionally.
Harold Pinter, Stephen Fry and leading academics are among 130 signatories declaring independence from the country's Jewish establishment, arguing that it puts support for Israel above the human rights of Palestinians which is in conflict with Jewish principles of justice and compassion.
The catalyst for the movement was a speech by Britain's chief rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks, telling a pro-Israeli rally in London last year: "Israel, you make us proud" while the Lebanon conflict and the bloodshed in the occupied territories was at its height.
The JIV urges 'support for a properly negotiated peace between the Israeli and Palestinian people and oppose any attempt by the Israeli government to impose its own solutions on the Palestinians.
It is imperative and urgent that independent Jewish voices find a coherent and consistent way of asserting themselves on these and other issues of concern. We hereby reclaim the tradition of Jewish support for universal freedoms, human rights and social justice.'


  1. Jews disagreeing with Jews is a very old tradition, tradition!

  2. I understand that some of those disagreements have gone from sunrise to sunset!

  3. "L'chaim! "

    I said that when drinking a shot during the Super Bowl. My republican friend just looked at me funny. :-)

  4. Anti-semites! All of them! :)

    Seriously, they are but a drop in an ocean.

  5. Anti-semitism is a growing insanity in the west...

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    let NEW Hitler have nukes

    don't fear his religion
    he really loves Israel
