FOAB Information

Saturday 24 February 2007

Who's The Daddy?

Anne Nichole Smith's young child is going to have a headache when Fathers Day comes around and there must be quite a bit of head scratching going on in the Windsor household when Harry writes his fathers name on the cards envelope.
Diana and James Hewitt (left) began there affair in 1982 and continued it until 1992 with a little bundle of Harryness (centre) arriving in 1986 in the middle of their fling.
Whispered rumours ever since have circulated that Hewitt is the natural father and Buck House have refused to allow Harry to take a DNA test to prove who's the daddy. Don't know if it is just me but look at the pics above and tell me there is no smoke from this Royal fire.


  1. Whoa!! I hadn't realized how obvious it was until these pics.

  2. I'd never heard of it untiul now, but it looks like there might be a case. If I were Harry, though, I wouldn't be rocking the boat!

  3. The only way to put an end to the constant runours is a DNA test, but they refuse to undertake one. Can't say i blame them, imagine the scandal.

  4. I feel so left out! Here in Canada we aren't kep updated much on the Brit Royal Family scandals... hence my not knowing about this whole paternity scandal at all!!

  5. I found the resemblance strong early on, but wasn’t it determined the timing was off for the lovah to be the fathah? Harry def looks like his Mum, as well as her brother Charles Spencer, who, oddly and ickily enough, looks a bit like Hewitt.{2d66e405-7e11-4815-b6b2-c483fccf4100}

  6. The 'official' version jodie is they met after harry was born but there are photos of them together in 1982 and there was a secret flap about Hewitt when she was pregnant, even more when he arrived with the ginger hair.
    Maybe it is all in my mind but i can see a definite likeness.

    You haven't missed much anonymouse, royal scandals have died out recently but we filled our boots with them during the 90s.

  7. Sorry Lucy - other than the hair colour, i don't see what you do! In fact, he doesn't look much like Charles in that photo either.

    If i were Harry (and i'm so very happy that i'm not!), i would probably have a secret DNA test done; though how long the results would remain a 'secret' is debatable. In fact, if Harry were me (i.e., a molecular biologist) he could perfom a DIY paternity test!
