FOAB Information

Friday 9 March 2007

Bush & Chavez On Tour

It is being billed as a battle between Bush & Chavez for the hearts and minds of Latin America as the President of the USA tours South America and tries to ignore the demonstrations against him, but then he should be used to people abusing him by now.
As Bush moves about in his heavily guarded entourage, my personal favourite World Leader Chavez is conducting his own tour although without the violent demonstrations such as those which greeted his opposite number in Brazil.
Hugo Chavez's brand of socialist ideals and stream of anti-Bush invective has a strong and understandable appeal beyond Venezuela's borders and he has gained staunch allies in the Bolivian, Argentinian, Nicaraguan and Cuban regimes.
Americas standing has plummeted as it stomped across the middle east while Chavez has stepped into the vacuum magnificently much to the chagrin of Bush who has been upstaged by a regime that puts people before profits.
Mr Bush is due to travel to Uruguay. He will also visit Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico during his six-day tour but the Chavez bandwagon is at full tilt while the Bush wagon is parked on the sidelines with a broken wheel.


  1. Chavez is one of my favourites too, Lucy, while Bush for me exemplifies the very essence of evil and greed and hypocrisy even though he clutches a Bible and talks to God.

    That other more positive role models that despise capitalism are springing up is a very good sign.

    Perhaps the world may yet experience true equality and sharing.

  2. " the President of the USA tours South America and tries to ignore the demonstrations against him, but then he should be used to people abusing him by now"

    Well, at least he's used to ignoring protests against him by now. Americans that don't like him are kept miles away from where he speaks.... that's because we're the freedom lovingest nation on Earth, y'know.
