FOAB Information

Thursday 15 March 2007

Democracy British Style

Oh look, it's British Prime Minister and World saviour Tony Blair! See how his tousled hair floats freely in the breeze! Marvel at his pretty daisy chains, his fair trade wine, his collection of Amazonian wood-carvings and his earnest expression as he reveals that - let's not mince our words - Nukes are good.
Such is Blair's weakness that even though 80 of his own party gave him a proverbial kick in the pants, the opposition Tory Party actually got the damn thing through for him.
In a success for Democracy, the members of the Labour and Tory Party were actually demanded to vote for the nukes by a three line whip*, so all the nonsense about people voting with their conscience and the 6 hour debate to help sway opinions was all rubbish. They were instructed to vote for the Prime Ministers idea or else.
Then, to cap the day it was leaked that the Government had actually began upgrading the Trident Nuclear missiles anyway.
British Democracy, you have just got to love it.

*In the UK a three line whip is a written notice, underlined three times to indicate its importance, to politicians belonging to a particular party that they must attend a vote in parliament and vote in the way in which they are instructed.

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