FOAB Information

Thursday 22 March 2007

Lingual Misunderstandings

It is said that the Americans and English speak the same language but there are times when
i have to sit and ponder what exactly is meant by some US terms used as i imagine some people sit and ponder the English blogs.
A posting at Jodie's Site got me thinking that apart from the obvious difference in spelling which can play havoc with spell check if you don't change the default US English setting, there are many words we use which have completely different meanings either side of the Atlantic.
I had a colleague from Virginia who used to get caught out all the time much to everyone's amusement. The first time he said he had to rest his fanny brought much mumbling behind hands until we found out it meant his backside. As a fanny is the female genitalia here, it was lucky we found out before he started on about his fanny pack (bum bag here).
It took a few attempts to make him understand what we wanted when we asked if he had a spare rubber (US eraser) and the behind the hand mumbling started up again when he mentioned wearing suspenders which is what we call the straps ladies wear to keep stockings in the right place. I would love to have seen the British shop-owners face if he rolled up asking to see what colour suspenders were available in his size.
Americans called Randolph should not introduce themselves in British circles by saying "Hi, I'm Randy", he would either get a slap face or a few phone-numbers.
There are lots more and i hope that i have at least cleared up some confusion as to avoid any embarrassment.
Right then, i'm off to enjoy this fag i have had hanging out of my mouth for the past ten minutes.
Oh, grow up.


  1. "Right then, i'm off to enjoy this fag i have had hanging out of my mouth for the past ten minutes."

    Nothing like smoking white owls, eh, Lucy?


  2. lol cheezy!
    Great post Lucy.
    One of the funniest australian comedians I have seen is Carl Barron(You may be able to get his vid there)
    He talks about the american verses australian meaning of 'thong' and the hillarious conversation that followed.
    You have to watch his video! It's just called Carl Barron Live I think!

  3. imuslim: Come to think of it, I think that's more of a kiwi saying. You'd understand why if you'd drunk some of the beer :)

  4. I love this kind of stuff. First time I heard someone say the were going to take the piss out of someone else, I was uncomfortable with the imagery.

    My wife's ex-husband's family is all Australian, and her ex-father-in-law (follow that? her ex-husband's dad) wrote a book called, I believe, Aussie Slang, which is full of Australian vernacular. Funny as hell.

  5. A shout-out from Lucy!

    In high school, a friends MUM from England would tell us when we were down or had boy troubles or felt fat and such to, "Keep your pecker up"...which we loved.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What a wise lady - keeping your pecker up is a great idea!

    Except in certain situations when it might get you arrested :-/

  8. Ha ha! Great post...

    I remember the moment my American friend said that my brother should wear some suspenders... it took a while for us to clear that one up... am I right in thinking that the term for ladies suspenders in America are braces?! She might have been taking the piss out of me!

    But the English can get lost in translation between themselves too. My very well-heeled aunt once said very loudly at a party that her and her neighbour 'got off very well'. You could have heard a pin drop...

  9. "am I right in thinking that the term for ladies suspenders in America are braces?! "

    You're thinking of a garter belt. Braces are for straightening your teeth.

  10. Cheezy: Funny.

    Joe: I thought 'retainer' was the American for braces?

  11. I never had them (although I should now) but I think they're different things. Braces are sort of wired in there, while retainers are removable.

  12. Lucy -

    I first became aware of the fanny - fanny thing via The Office. The scene still makes me laugh like an idiot.

    Keith: "A word or warning: In America "fanny" means your bum, not your minge."

    Absolutely freaking hysterical.

    Ook ook
