FOAB Information

Tuesday 1 May 2007

Got To Love That Royal Family

As the Queen gets ready to kick off her first tour of the US in 16 years with a visit to Virginia, authorities there have asked people not to greet her wearing 'I'm With Stupid' T-shirts.
Shame that because i would imagine that even the Queen would not disagree if one was pointing towards her gaff prone hubby.
For the rest of her family she would need some 'I'm with the jug earred weirdo' and 'I'm with the balding fairy' shirts knocked up.
As the Queen jets into North America, her second eldest son jets back from South America whining about his treatment by the media.
After yet more stories about his golf playing, yacht partying 'business trip' to warmer climes, the Prince moans that he is worth the money because of the business he attracts to the country and that he has developed a thick skin that criticism drips off of like water.
That's handy then, means we can all call him a skivving, lard arsed tosser.


  1. I'm not really feeling the lurve for the Royals, on your blog, Lucy.

    Not so long ago, you'd get locked up in the Tower for such talk! But I hear they have rides there now, so maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing. Might make a nice break!

  2. It is all said in love iMulsim, tough love i agree, but love all the same .

  3. Okay, I need a lingo check - skivving?


  5. You are right on the money with the descriptions of the Royals, but where are the connotations pertaining to horse features, LOL...or is that bad manners on my behalf??

    I read back a few posts, I see people don't like kitty cats? That's ok, I am getting my own puppy :) Check her out :)

  6. I will check out the puppy as soon as i wrote this cazzie. For some reason i forgot about the horse face thing, to be honest i forgot all about Princess Anne who is the main recepient of the equine insults.
    I will remedy it soon no doubt.

  7. C'mon Lucy, tell us how you really feel.

  8. Yay Lucy! Let's lock them in a glass room and point and laugh at them all...

  9. Didn't we do that with David Blaine a few years back?

  10. Haha! I didn't think of suspending them over the Thames, but now you mention it...
