FOAB Information

Saturday 28 April 2007

A Lifetime Of Stats

"Stats can prove anything" so says anyone who is losing an argument but there was a programme on the ever excellent Channel 4 the other night that bombarded the viewer with a bunch of stats that made you go 'hmm'.
Ever wondered how much milk you will drink in your lifetime? 15,913 pints apparently.
Here is what the average person gets up to in his or her lifetime.
We fart 35,815 times which is not surprising as the average person eats the equivalent of 15 pigs, 5 cows, 1300 chickens and 23 sheep. The vegetarian trouser trumpets could be accredited to the 10,866 carrots, 4,398 loaves of bread, 14,856 eggs and 5,757 apples we scoff. Still, the aromatic smell emanating from our backsides doesn't put us off having sex 4239 times.
We will drink 7,153 pints of beer, 79,481 cups of tea (it was an English show) and 998 bottles of wine all which means plenty of trips to the lavatory to rid ourselves of 254 lites of urine.
We take 7,163 baths and use 302 cans of deodorant (numbers may vary in France obviously). Everyone knows 1,700 people in their lifetime and spends £1,537,380 with £12,924 of it going on clothes. Smokers inhale 77,000 fags and we will know 25,000 words but will speak 56,618,100 words.
Don't know how they worked it all out but i may have to borrow some cigarette and alcohol allowance off somebody.


  1. "having sex 4239 times"

    Some people are just slackers...

  2. Apparently, women say about 6-8,000 words a day and men just 2-4,000 words a day. Judging by the difference in my and Mark's post, I think I would have to agree with that statistic!

  3. i may have to borrow some cigarette and alcohol allowance off somebody.

    How much you offering? ;)

  4. Maybe Mark was making it 4240 as he typed Little Cheese.

    I muslim, i have a Cow, Pig, Chicken, Sheep allowance going spare.

  5. "Maybe Mark was making it 4240 as he typed Little Cheese."

    I think I passed that mark sometime in the mid-eighties, Lucy.


  6. Okay, you caught me. It was in the nineties.

  7. What a disgusting litany, that is, Lucy! 15 pigs but what about Jews?

    Regarding the baths, if you divide the total number by the average age at death, doesn't that mean that baths per head of population in Britain are still scarce?


  8. I don't know how they worked it out Daniel, they did say at the start of the programme but, irony of ironies, i was drying my hair after a shower.
    Maybe they just included baths and not showers.

  9. Maybe they just included baths and not showers.

    This Brit hasn't taken a bath, in years! However, i do shower regularly. The funny smell in the room is not me.

  10. I am WAY behind on my sheep.

    "....and 5,757 apples we scoff"

    "Scoff" means "eat" there? It still refers to an expression of disdain here.

  11. Joe - I've heard British apples are atrocious ;)

    And it's sheep equivalency, so as long as you don't mix that number into your 4239 times of sex, you'll be okay ;) ;)

    We will drink 7,153 pints of beer

    Now THERE are your slackers!

  12. " I've heard British apples are atrocious ;)"

    Well, I've heard the ones from Summerisle are quite tasty, as long as the proper preparations are made! :-)

    And don't wory.... I don't even LOOK like Gene Wilder......

  13. "15 pigs but what about Jews?"

    I've heard that Jews are tough and don't make good eatin', Daniel. ;)
