FOAB Information

Sunday 22 April 2007

There'll Always Be an England

The 23rd April is St. George's Day where us English celebrate all things English. Not the nasty bit when we took over half the world and murdered the local inhabitants, just the good bits. Brushing under the carpet the imperialist killing machine that we were (and still are some would say), it's time to stop and think just what we could do to celebrate this great nation of ours.
The typical England Day would have to begin with a full English breakfast of bacon (Danish), croissants (French), freshly squeezed orange juice (Spanish) and a lovely cup of tea (Indian).
Then all the family will troop outside to the garden and salute the George Cross to a traditional English tune, Wannabe by the Spice Girls or maybe Anarchy in the UK by the Sex Pistols.
This could be followed by silent contemplation on just who buys Rolling Stones records and whether hanging would be to good for them. Then it's the grand old British tradition of binge drinking, getting so tanked up that you can barely stand and starting a fight with the closest person to you at the time.
Should be good.


  1. I've been to England many times, Lucy, and spent lots of time there. It is a unique place and one that I have genetic ties to though I was Australian born.

    I've always felt at home there but not because of the binge drinking and fighting. Enjoy your day!

  2. Compared to some, England is not so bad. I love the stiff upper lip and the refusal to allow anyone to get above themselves. Mostly, i love the way we poke fun at ourselves and do not take ourselves seriously.

  3. Amen to that. We're a nation of pisstakers... and that is definitely worth celebrating!

  4. lol, lucy! Ya funny bugger!
    Zoe xxx

  5. Can I assume Lucy, that you are not an English nationalist?

    BTW, you didn't mention all the positive things we have done, like abolishing slavery for example, or bringing democracy to Argentina :)

  6. It funny, I like to think of myself as being a born free Englishman - but I don't think I would ever call myself a nationalist - I'm too much of an inter-nationalist for all that, so I more or less let St George's Day pass me by.

    When it comes to the system of imperialism, I do truely believe that were positive aspects of colonial conquest, as well as negative aspects. The positive aspect being, at least more people around the globe now speak English - which can't exactly be a bad thing, can it?

  7. I thought St. Crispin's day was the one to celebrate.

    Or, maybe Guy Fawkes day.

    Anyway, I celebrate those.

    Ook ook, and happy (belated) St. G's day.

  8. I am sorry Benedict, i was trying for a humourous bent on this post, but as you ask, i join Courtney in the Inter-Nationalists camp.
