FOAB Information

Wednesday 23 May 2007

AC Milan Champs

Yes i know Liverpool were representing England against Italy's AC Milan in the European Cup Final tonight.
Yes i also know that as an English person i should of been behind the Reds.
As a girly and therefore by default unable to understand the offside rule or the reason behind emptying your nose every ten seconds and always when the camera is on you, may i present the reason i was cheering for Milan.
Ladies and gentlemen, Paolo Maldini or as he is also known in my home, phwoooar!!!.
Apparently he is quite a good footballer also.


  1. A good looking man in shorts trumps jingoism everytime.

  2. I'm not even a scouse fan (as you know, i'm spurs) but I was tempted to give the milan fans in the pub tonight a good slap...

    I didn't though, you'll be glad to hear.

    As for Maldini. Good player, but I wouldn't shag him, erm, personally.

  3. Cheezy - what about in a threesome with Elvis (young army Elvis)?

  4. O'Tim - you thought you'd 'sweeten' the deal by adding another guy to the mix? :-o

  5. Oh my God, who cares what he does for a living...unless he's a lawn boy in, say, Houston...

    I'm off to take a cold shower. Thanks for such a great wake up, Lucy!

  6. Well, Cheez, you had already expressed a lack of desire to shag Michael Moore, I figured I'd change lanes but not direction. X(=)

  7. It is too bad that he plays such a boring game. Kick the ball, chase ball. Whoopee.

  8. Can't even use his hands. All he does is kick it and headbutt it...

  9. He is certainly a world class defender - the very reason why Liverpool lost - and not forgetting Kaka of course.

  10. I also had mixed emotions regarding AC Milan's win.

    On the one hand, as a supporter of Serie A over the Premier League, I was happy to see the win.

    On the other hand, as a Inter supporter, I really loathe AC.

    On the other hand, it was nice to see Maldini hoist the trophy again, considering he is about done.

    On the other hand, AC was involved in that whole scandal, so it was a shame to see that.

    Well done to AC Milan. And I do admit, Italy does breed some very sexy people.

    Ook ook.
