FOAB Information

Thursday 31 May 2007

Canadian No More

I mentioned in a previous post that i was so ashamed that Phil Collins shares the same nationality as me that i would prefer to be Canadian.
It was then pointed out that having the best guitarist in the World hailing from Stoke on Trent more than rubbed out the embarrassment of the slap headed crooner. Saved by Slash.
Of course, if i had to choose my nationality i would consult this list, the Global Peace Index which ranks countries by their ‘absence of violence’.
It would come as no surprise to anyone except maybe Bush & Blair, that Iraq is rock bottom of the list as the most violent place on the planet. Israel and Sudan join it to make up the bottom three places you would not go to for a relaxing break unless you happened to be Rambo.
Top of the tree and most peaceful country is Norway followed by New Zealand and Denmark with the aforementioned Canada rolling in a respectable 8th.
It is a long drop down the 25th to Australia and almost double that again to find the UK at 49.
Interestingly, the USA (96) is one above Iran (97).
With the 4 Scandinavian countries in the top 10, i can only put their peaceful disposition down to all that snow, saunas and videos of a dubious nature.


  1. Hell, I'm sure the eskimos are even more peaceful than the scandinavians. Try that!

    And as far as guitarists, you can do even better than you think.... after all, Jeff Beck IS British!

  2. "Saved by Slash."

    That reminds me, I gotta have one...

  3. Gilmour. McLaughlin. Fripp.

  4. A friend "dated" him...we called him "Little Elvis" and he HATED it. Plus he's a prick.

  5. i can only put their peaceful disposition down to all that snow, saunas and videos of a dubious nature.

    Or could it be *GASP* socialism?

    And as a matter of FACT, it did take a jaunt to the UK for Hendrix to be recognized. Yes I know he's dead, and I still think he can play better than Slash ;)

  6. O'Tim- I'm sure lots of dead people can. :-)

  7. ...sorry, Phil Collins. Very odd odd combo of two girlfriends, Little Elvis, Robbie Plant (wonderful man) and Chris Robinson.

  8. Or could it be *GASP* socialism?
    You said it o'Tim, i never!!

    I don't know if Hendrix was better than Slash but i do see a correlation between long black curly hair & being a good guitarist. Slash, Hendrix and Brian May. Hmmm, i sense a theory brewing.

  9. Plus he's a prick.
    Phil Collins, it all makes sense now.
