FOAB Information

Tuesday 8 May 2007

Looking Into The Future

I love scientific experiments like this. Professor Dick Bierman of Amsterdam University says that people can see into the future and has the proof to back up his claims.
The study looked into explaining things such as mediumship, ESP, deja vue, gut feelings and instinct.
Using lie detectors and MMR scans, the team showed sexually explicit, violent or soothing images to volunteers in a random sequence determined by computer. Soon he discovered that people began reacting to the pictures before they saw them. They began to 'wince' a few seconds before they actually saw a violent image.
Other Universities heard about the experiment and conducted similar tests and found the same results. One hooked up card players and found that they began reacting subconsciously shortly before they won or lost.
The Professor points to the many stories of survivors who had changed their plans at the last minute after vague feelings of unease.
"It is known as 'presentiment' because emotional feelings are being received from the future, not hard facts or information" said the Prof.
I am unsure what to make of all this but it is true that we do get 'gut feelings' and everyone knows someone with a story about how they changed plans at the last moment and avoided a disaster.
Maybe it is just luck but then again maybe we can actually see into the future.


  1. Lucy, I manage money in the stock market for a living, and I have seen too many traders get wiped out on "gut" feelings so please put me in the non-believer category. However if this does work, please let me know right away, as I have a few ideas how to maximize this. Thanks

  2. Hmm, i'm not sure what to think about this. I believe in divine guidance, and inspiration... but never thought of it as an innate sense, that could be measured, scientifically.

    Interesting, but would like to see the data before passing judgment.

  3. Luck is all it is, that or it's a projection based on evidence that is unfolding. For example, on television whenever I see a surgeon's knife approach a sedated body I turn away. Cheers!

  4. I had a hunch you were going to post about this..........

  5. I don't know whether to believe it or not, ever a cynic i probably don't, but how cool would it be if we could!!!
