FOAB Information

Monday 7 May 2007

Men & Women Have Differing Movies Tastes

There are many differences between men and women.
Not only are we better at driving, handling 2 X chromosomes, multi-tasking, reading instructions and looking at our hair in any shiny surface, we also have a better taste in movies.
A SkyTV survey of film buffs has found that Star War for men and Dirty Dancing for women were the tops for repeat viewings.
Action films, Alien and Die Hard were among the top male choices, along with sci-fi film Bladerunner and mafia romp The Godfather.
Women are more likely to watch Grease, The Sound of Music, Pretty Woman and It's A Wonderful Life over and over again.
Sorry guys, but you can take your Millenium Falcon and your light sabres and stick 'em up your Wookiee.


  1. Godfather, Aliens, and pretty much any thing with John Wayne. Sounds good to me. Oh, and Lucy, about the offer to do something with my lightsaber!!!!!

  2. Hmm... i better run some tests on myself when i next get in the lab, cos i love the Alien series & the Die Hard trilogy. I also dig Grease though... i'm pretty sure i'm female, honest guvna!

  3. It took me ages to find out how to spell Wookiee!!
    As for your light sabre, don't point that thing at me.

  4. Action films, Alien and Die Hard were among the top male choices, along with sci-fi film Bladerunner and mafia romp The Godfather.

    Meh. My girlfriend loves all of these movies, and has the same low opinion of chick flicks that I do.

  5. I luv Bond flicks, mafia movies AND musicals! No wonder I'm confused...

  6. I'm a guy, and I'm not really into stereotypical guy movies. Not gal movies either, although I think Ghost is a gerat movie. I like movies with deep meaning, or historical/political pieces like Gandhi.

  7. If you wanted me to watch "Dirty Dancing", you'd have to get over your thing about guns. You'd have to have one pointed right at me through the whole damn thing.

    BTW, what makes 2 X chromosomes difficult to deal with, besides the obvious compulsion to watch sappy movies? :-)

  8. That 1 X chromosome means we do not get the urge to wear sandals with socks. That's difficult to deal with.

  9. Star Wars, Alien, and Blade Runner vs. Grease, SoM and Pretty Woman.

    Looks like both men and women like unrealistic movies, if you ask me. It's just that men's are so unrealistic we know it'll never happen, and women's are just realistic enough to make them think that it could happen.

  10. HEY!!! I love Star Wars!!!! Gladiator rocks, too...

    Chick flicks usually annoy me... but I do end up falling for some of them, however lame they may seem (Ever After w/ Drew Barrymore; the Phantom of the Opera - does that count as a girly movie? - and... some others I can't recall right now.)

  11. Out of the chick flicks, i would go with Its A Wonderful Life. What a great film.
    Die Hard i like but that was more to do with Alan Rickman who is one of my favourite actors. Sound of Music i could live without quite easily.

  12. I never really considered "Wonderful life" to be a "chick flick", but more of a family thing like all of Capra's movies. Either way, it's a great piece of work.

  13. Yeah, Wonderful Life is NOT a chick flick in the traditional sense of chick flick. I think the chick flick came into its own in the 80s. Before that, movies were romantic but had substance -- the precursor to the traditional chick flick, which lost the substance and added predictability (same thing happened to most action flicks, btw -- man, do I miss Steve McQueen). Here's a question: What was the first real chick flick?

  14. That's funny, Jeff...... I was thinking about proposing that same question while I was reading your comment! Here's a good starting point - 1940s "The Shop Around the Corner".

    It was remade in the 90s with the title "You've Got Mail."

  15. I like Pixar movies.
