FOAB Information

Friday 18 May 2007

Paying Compliments

According to this poll, men are too concerned about being seen as a bit pervy to pay women compliments which is a good thing because the same poll carries on to say that almost 2 thirds of women think men who pay them a compliment are a bit pervy.
Can't win can you guys.
The problem seems to arise from the different criteria men and women have to define the term 'compliment'.
To a woman 'I like the way your hair looks today' is received by the female ear as a compliment.
'Oi luv, nice arse' shouted while leaning out of a car window is not.
Holding a door open and smiling is nice.
Not even trying to hide the fact that you are looking down our tops is not.
Of course the best compliment you can pay a woman is to just treat her with respect or failing that just nice things about her clothes, either way is good.


  1. "just nice things about her clothes"

    That's a lovely lace teddy and stockings and garter belt ensemble you're wearing, my dear!


  2. So ... my describing you at one point as "mysterious and exotic" and saying how your English colloquialisms "make me feel all tingly-tingly" was pervy?

    Damn. I guess if it weren't for my fez I'd get no play at all.

    Ook ook

  3. How about "I like the way your arse looks today?"

  4. Maybe that's because they thought you meant it was as big as Jupiter, Cody...

  5. If I was girl... (and I don't spend too much time thinking about this hypothetical situation, by the way)... I think I'd prefer hearing "nice arse" to "nice hair". Really! That's because it takes months (if not years) for an overweight bird to tone her bum up, whereas if your hair's a mess you'd only have to make a quick visit to the hairdressers to put it right!

    Stiff competition around here, but I reckon I win the chauvanism award (so far) with that one! :-p

  6. One of the biggest differences I've noticed is that, if a guy pays a woman a compliment (not a "nice arse" compliment but just a regular compliment, like, "that dress looks great on you"), the woman immediately tries to figure out what the guy really meant. To a woman, there's always a "but..." at the end of the sentence. My wife does it all the time. I try to tell her, you're giving me undue credit, I'm too dense to speak in code, but she doesn't believe me.

  7. Alright, you gotta get rid of the word verification. I have to fill that thing out at least twice for every post. It's horrible and stupid. Did I mention you look great in that dress?

  8. I didn't touch word verification, or if i did i haven't got a clue how i did it.
    I didn't even ask for it to start with, it was just there and i thought everyone had it.

  9. Word of advice from a guy who's managed peeps who've made a LOT of mistakes.

    If you're at work, don't say it. I don't care HOW innocent you think you are, don't say it.

    I've seen a guy written up for saying "You look great!"

    Of course, he eventually got fired for surfing porn sites at work, but hey...

    Basically, anything other than, "How are you today," can be misconstrued and misused by someone with an issue with another person.

    Your workmates are *not* your friends unless they were your friends *first*.

    And even then be careful...


    Yes, get rid of the fecking word vari!!
