FOAB Information

Friday 1 June 2007

Bush The Eco-Warrior?

It isn't that i don't trust George Bush, although i don't. It isn't that i think he tells the sort of lies that would make Richard Nixon blush, although he does. It is not even the fact that anything that issues forth from his mouth should be taken with as much salt as the dead sea contains. Although it should be.
What made me a tad sceptical about the US president turning eco-warrior and promising to save the planet was that silly grin he always wears as he speaks which makes it look like his mouth is saying one thing and his mind is laughing "YEAH RIGHT, AS IF".
He has spent his whole administration denying global warming by continually opposing Kyoto and dismissing his own Administrations, Environmental Protection Agency and the combined opinion of the worlds leading environmental scientists IPCC report that blamed climate change on human activities.
So what did Bush, who runs the Worlds biggest polluter, actually say?
He has pledged that the US will hold a series of meetings of the world's highest polluting countries to discuss action on climate change.
That was basically it, that at some point he will sit down with the other biggest polluters and have a chat about reducing their pollution levels. No details, no plans, just the promise that the man whose environmentally friendly initiative named the 'Clear Skies Act', would have actually increased pollution, would take care of things.
Considering his track record and duplicity on most things, showing any trust in regarding anything Bush would be foolhardy, but leaving him to save the planet from Global Warming would be akin to assigning the Pope to a condom distribution clinic.


  1. I thought that was quite the turnabout, too, bu I'm confident that this will be like the war - that is, something for the next president to hash out.

  2. lucy,

    you are correct again. it is better if he does nothing.

    chavez will save you - move to venezuela...


  3. You will have to stop agreeing with me anon2, people will get suspicious that you are my mum or something.

  4. I wouldn't even trust Bush with my grandmother. And she's dead!

  5. that silly grin he always wears as he speaks which makes it look like his mouth is saying one thing and his mind is laughing "YEAH RIGHT, AS IF".

    Took you long enough to figure that out...

  6. His mind? Surely you're joking, Mark!

  7. I noticed it when he used to talk about Iraq, he also sometimes give a little chuckle. It does annoy me.
