FOAB Information

Sunday 10 June 2007

Bush Not Popular Shocker

With the exception of a certain Austrian with one testicle (if the song is to be believed), it is hard to think of any other leader of a country who has suffered such a bad reception across Europe.
Riots and protests have followed the man like a bad smell every time he sets foot this side of the Atlantic.
We are supposed to be his ally but Britain saw the largest mid-week protest when he dared to show his smug face here a few years back and now Germany and Italy have descended into chaos as anti-war protesters demonstrate against the man who famously dodged his own chance of military action in Vietnam by getting his contacts to pull strings.
Last summer the streets of Vienna were swamped with anti-Bush protesters when he arrived for an EU summit but it is not just confined to Europe because last November tens of thousands turned out to protest in Indonesia against his arrival in Asia and there was mass protests against him in Colombia, Mexico and Brazil on a recent tour of South America.
The citizens of India and Australia have made their feelings well known to the US leader so, given all the hatred towards him, is Bush perceived as the most evil figure in history?
As ever, we turn to Google as our representation of World-wide opinion.
Bush Evil = 13,200,000 hits, Bin Laden Evil = 1,430,000, Saddam Evil = 1,500,000,
Hitler Evil = 1,650,000 and Stalin Evil = 1,210,000
The man is obviously not popular but can anyone find anyone even close to Bush? The closest i could get was Devil Evil and that was 2,540,000 hits.


  1. it is hard to think of any other leader of a country who has suffered such a bad reception across Europe."

    Gee, one wouldn't know it to look at the popularity of Nazism and the SS from Vichy France clear across to the Ukraine and Roumania, as well as up to Norway, and south to Italy, as well as across the Mediterranean into North Africa and on to then-Palestine and the Mufti of Jeruisalem.

    Some bad reception. More like a gala event until the rest of the world stepped in and told them all to cut the shit. Of course it took over twelve million concentration camp deaths and some Europeans are still wanting to attend that party.

  2. The Dutch?

    rtead your history again. The Russians? Tons defected to the Nazi side. Norway? Ever heard the name Quisling? The belgians? Oh yeah, they mattered.

    The Greeks? As long as they were rounding up the Jews of Greece and leaving the rest of them alone they were fine with him.

    Yes, there were p[[artisans. Yes, whole governments resisted, futilely, the Nazi juggernaut. But the final analysis is that without a massive collaborative effort, the Nazis couldn't have done what they did in so short a time.

    Let's not pretend Hitler's vision wasn't shared by a good part of the rest of Europe. I've had enpugh revisionist history for one weekend.

    Cheers, Love.

  3. "Let's not pretend Hitler's vision wasn't shared by a good part of the rest of Europe."

    Yes, that's very true... Hitler did have his fans in Europe... but I still think Bush would probably beat Hitler in any quick-straw popularity poll across the whole of Europe. Just.

    That's popularity though. If, on the other hand, we were voting about who's smarter, then Adolf would win, no question. Even though he's dead.

  4. The 21m dead Russians, 7m dead Poles, 2m dead Yugoslavs, 1m dead French, 500,00 dead Greeks, 300,000 dead Dutch, 100,00 dead Belgians, 15,000 dead Norwegians may differ in just how nice they thought Mr Hitler was.
    I really cannot understand why he got such a bad reputation across Europe.

  5. Paris Hilton Evil got 1,740,000 hits.

  6. In all seriousness, I don't think you can even begin to use modern communication technology such as Google (or the Internet, for that matter) as the basis for any sort of comparison between worldly perception of Bush and Hitler. First, we are currently living in the time of Bush -- he's kept top of mind because he's in the news daily. Second, a great deal of the WWII generation -- the people who were living when Hitler came to power; the people who firsthand experienced the true nature of evil as embodied by that monster -- is no longer with us, and of those of them that still are, a minute fraction use the Internet. Today's "digital youth" are three generations removed from Hitler and the Holocaust. They don't learn about it in school anymore. Very few learn about it at home. At best, if you say "Hitler" to most of the under-20 crowd, they'd say, "He killed a bunch of Jewish people during a war a long time ago, or something like that." They're not googling "Hitler Evil." But do a poll among those who lived during that time, like either of my Grandfathers, and see what kind of results you get. I'm no Bush supporter -- I'm a bit of a Bush hater, actually -- but when I hear his name and Hitler's said in the same paragraph it makes my skin crawl.

  7. I agree jeff, but Googling is a great way of taking a quick straw poll.
    There is no comparison between Hitler and Bush but mark seemed to pick up on the first sentence and it became about Hitler rather than Bush being hounded by protests everywhere which was the rest of the post.
    By the way, Jeff Evil is 2,160,000 hits. Eeeks.

  8. Right. I guess I steered this one off topic too, even though you were clearly comparing Bush and Hitler's popularity.

    And to think I said fuckall about Israel for once.

  9. Here's to "Never Again," especially in these times.

  10. Here's to never again denigrating the memory of 12 million Holocaust victims with ridiculous comparisons.

  11. Amen brother. And here's also to sticking to the topic of blog posts :)

    "By the way, Jeff Evil is 2,160,000 hits. Eeeks."

    Jeff is evil! The fru-its of the dev-eel!

    'Cheezy evil' only gets 141,000 hits. But my blog is at numbers 4 and 5 on the list... Hmmmm... Curiouser and curiouser...

  12. "And here's also to sticking to the topic of blog posts"

    Here's to policing your own site.

  13. Isn't there a word for folks that go to blogs, change the subject to whatever suits them, and are wholly argumentative? It seems that there is.........................

  14. Is there a word for people who can't mind their own business and let a blog administrator decide what is and isn't acceptable at their site? I think there is.

  15. EVERYBODY BE QUIET FOR MARK!!!! He's waiting for Lucy to tell him what the topic actually is! You all know that in any other situation, like at Law Wench's, he would definitely hold back on criticising others and just let the blog admin handle things, so let's not be hypocrites, people. After all, Mark has no history of giving people shit at blogs other than his own, right? In fact, Mark is such a good guy, I'll bet he won't even pussy out by going home to mommy and blogging about how mean we are about his trolling. Nah.

  16. "Here's to policing your own site."

    That was certainly a puzzling remark for us to read, wasn't it Joe? Particularly as it followed hot-on-the-heels of this other comment of his:

    "Here's to never again denigrating the memory of 12 million Holocaust victims with ridiculous comparisons."

    No, wait, I think I've got it. It seems that we can denigrate the memory of 12 million Holocaust victims with ridiculous comparisons, but only on our own blogs or at blogs administered by bloggers who have not expressly forbidden it.

    Anyway, back on the topic, I can fully understand why many Americans don't give a flying one about what outsiders think about their leader. If I was a fan of my own leader (which obviously I'm not!) I might not particularly care about the low esteem in which he was held in other countries. Obviously in this case however, the man in question is short of fans at home too:

  17. The ridiculous comparisons do make it hard to take any of this real seriously.

  18. Well, I rarely meet an American who is shy about having opinions about other world leaders. In fact, we tend to be so incredibly arrogant that we'll take steps to choose the leaders of other countries ourselves, or at least decide who WON'T run another country. Of course, it's all for the good, after all, there hasn't been any cocaine in America since we arrested Noriega, has there? So I have nothing to say about people in other countries having, and voicing, opinions about our idiods in charge.

    The subject, as I saw it, was the fact that Bush's unpopularity in Europe is unparalled with the possible exception of Hitler. That may be undeserved, sure. I mean, Bush is an arrogant, deceitful, self-serving bastard that has been undeniably bad for America and is only suported by people who care more about their pet issues than they do about the welfare of their country, but no, he hasn't actually tried to eliminate an entire race. Not yet, anyway.

    But what difference does that make? The fact is the disdain for him is there, no matter what reasons or excuses people give for him. Browbeating Lucy or the people in the comments isn't going to change that, and neither is following Bush's style of trying to swerve the discussion toward something that it isn't.

    Jack- read Lucy's post again. Bush was not directly compared to Hitler. Bush's UNPOPULARITY was compared to Hitler's unpopularity. The molehill shouldn't be hard to take seriously, just the mountain someone's trying to make out of it.

  19. Well, I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong. It looks like someone did run home to pout, after all. But I ask, WHO, oh who, could have predicted THAT???

    Oh, and reading comprehension isn't so good at home, evidently, because Lucy's argument has been turned into "Bush is worse than Hitler" instead of the discussion of their PERCEIVED popularity that she actually wrote about. You know, I always took reading comprehension for granted, but I guess I should be proud that I have this skill since so many people obviously lack it.

  20. The initial sentence was a stab at humour at the start of the post, hence the 'certain Austrian with one testicle'. Look down my past posts here, i always try to start with a bit of humour if the story isn't about death or war.
    COLDWAR TAKE 2 - Someone dig out the Nena song '99 Red Balloons' because if the experts are to be believed, the Cold War is back on.
    BUSH THE ECO WARRIOR - It isn't that i don't trust George Bush, although i don't. It isn't that i think he tells the sort of lies that would make Richard Nixon blush, although he does.
    OH, IT IS A MARS BAR IN YOUR POCKET - When somebody has closely studied 11,531 penises they either answer to the name of Miss P. Hilton or they are a Scientist.

    Maybe some people just don't share my sense of humour, maybe it just doesn't travel very well. Hitler was used because he was the most obvious person and i could make a joke about his one testicle. Could easily of been Napoleon, Julius Caeser or Genghis Khan, only they all have both their swingers.

  21. And they probably don't have enough bad will going against them in today's world to make for a good comparison of people's attitudes. Like Jeff pointed out, even comparing Hitler's unpopularity with his is a little shaky. But it was obvious to anyone willing to actually read you honestly that you weren't trying to make a case that Hitler was a better person than Bush.

  22. "Jeff Evil is 2,160,000 hits."

    I'm working on that. Should have it over 2,500,000 by August.

  23. Go Jeff! You can do it, mate! The other 'Jeffs' will help you!... let's see... Jeff Bezos, Jeff Bridges... erm... Jeff Buckley! (oh no, sorry, he's dead... looks like it's mainly down to you, mate).

  24. Dude, I got Jeff Goldblum on my side. Anything is possible.

  25. Don't look to Jeff Beck for help. He's good.

  26. Jeff, have you added something to your blog since the weekend because it loads and then just crashes out with an error message saying it could not be loaded.

  27. Don't look to Jeff Beck for help. He's good.

    Yeah, but he's wicked good.

    So shutup.

  28. "Don't just shit all over other people's blogs."

    How kind of you to be concerned for Lucy's blog. I'm sure she appreciates you policing it for her.

    I'm puzzled once again, though. When I answered one of your posts with a post of my own, you told me to be a man and post my replies at your blog. The next time you wrote about me, I did just that, and you told me to be a man and post on my own blog, instead of darkening yours. Now, I'm told that to be a man, I should e-mail you. How can you tell me how to be a man, when you obviously can't decide for yourself?

    Besides, your invitation to e-mail you reminds me of another post I once read. It said "Free burd SeEd."

    Unless the SITE ADMINISTRATOR tells me otherwise, I'll comment on your trolling of this post in public and right here where I can trust that my comments won't be edited or re-written, thank you kindly.

  29. Anyway, now that we've established that Hitler was more evil than Bush... is now an appropriate time to admit that I hate Tony Blair a shitload more than I ever hated Mussolini? ;-)

  30. Yes, I do. I work a normal week. What has that to do with anything here? I also come home, and that's where I am now, and where I wrote my last comment. I work at a desk with a computer, so I am free to blog when I take a break or eat my lunch.

    How is this germane, or even any of your business? I never ask you how many cabinets or whatever you made on a particular day, do I?

    Ran out of stuff to say, so you're going to try and make me out to be a slacker, when in reality you actually know little to nothing about my private life? Cheap.

  31. Lucy, you're the second person to tell me something's up with my blog. I have added a couple widgets to the sidebar, so I'm gonna go remove 'em to see if that helps. Please let me know!

  32. Jack- read Lucy's post again. Bush was not directly compared to Hitler. Bush's UNPOPULARITY was compared to Hitler's unpopularity.


    I am aware of that. Just as I am aware that all over the net there are people making the comparison. It is more important to me to try and point out the issues with that.

  33. Sorry- I thought you meant on this thread.

  34. You're not just cheap, Joe, you're easy.

    Germane. looked that up, did you?

  35. "You're not just cheap, Joe, you're easy."

    Easy to understand, easy to get along with, I'm sure people around here will agree with both of those statements. Or did you mean SEXUALLY easy, as in the case of a married man who writes risque e-mails to women he's never met?

    "Germane. looked that up, did you?"

    Yes I did, back in 8th grade. By then I already knew how to capitalize the first letter in a sentence, too.

    Sure trying to take this debate to a higher level, aren't you? Since this is the second foray into the personal, I guess you've conceded on the original point?

  36. "I know today's fare is not my usually uplifting and inspirational shit, but it will have to do because some of us actually do work. We don't get to sit in an office all day eating our lunch and taking pot breaks in between blogging harassing people on the internet."

    Well, Mark, some of us have minds - educated ones, in fact, and are able to get jobs using those minds. There is certainly nothing wrong with working mentally, rather than manually, although there is certainly nothing wrong with manual labor, either. All work is honorable. BTW, the pot break thing is something you just made up, and like your usual "uplifting and inspirational shit", is a lie. You're still the biggest liar in Blogovia, Mark. Maybe I should thusly blogroll you again?

    I hope you have a terrific day nailing your little cabinets together. Do try not to shear off another finger, Mr. Crafty. :-)

    Lucy: I hope you don't mind my responding here. Mark was, of course, too much of a pussy to write something like that to me directly, so he went to his own blog where he can change my comments if I reply. I guess he thinks I'm stupid enough to fall for that because he would, or somesuch. Since we were already tossing insults here, I figured there was no sense in starting a third front at my blog.

  37. Lucy - you mentioned a song that refers to "The Austrian with one testicle."

    Perhaps this isn't germane (my guess is English), but what song?

    P.S. - Wow! have you ever racked up 40?

  38. Oops, I forgot to capitalize "have" back there.

    Okay, back to work.

  39. Joe - My comments are open to all and everyone to say what they wish in the knowledge that i am will never delete or stick my big oar in something that is not my business.

    O'Tim - The song goes to the tune of Colonel Bogey...

    Hitler has only got one ball,
    Goerings, got two but very small,
    His mother, the dirty bugger,
    Had it cut off when he was small.

    There are other verses but i only know this one.

  40. "Mark was, of course, too much of a pussy to write something like that to me directly, so he went to his own blog where he can change my comments if I reply."

    Pussy? Come on Joe Joe, you know you're my favorite asshole.

    Tell you what, come look me up some time. In person. Since we all know you have my address.

    Pussies sit on the internet and harass people all day Joe. Be a man. Let's hash this out in person, since you're so quick to sling the bullshit online. Let's see who the real pussy is. You want a challenge, you got it.

    Hell, I'll meet you halfway, bucko.

  41. I see, so after telling me to "be a man", you're going to pretend that I crossed a line with "pussy". This is after you blogged about me, but I only commented to your comments, without taking it to the "home audience". In other words I "spoke to your face", as you told me once was the way to "be a man". Heh.

    So you then jump immediately to physical violence, showing ever more of your true nature to an increasingly Swiss audience. That figures, it's so easy a caveman could do it, and they're whiners also.

    I'm not here to help you show off for the girlies. I was here to point out that a stupid teacher's union doesn't have any more than 15 minutes of fame cumulative, and that getting abusive with European bloggers over the state of what you think is the attitude of their entire continent could be a somewhat misguided response. I was also here to point out that that comparing Bush's unpopularity with Hitler's unpopularity is not the same as comparing the two men's history. I have gone on record as saying that Bush is nowhere near Hitler, long ago. But then again, Bush is still alive, and has time.

    Anyway, if you wish to take this to the physical level, knowing full well that simply by saying so you have conceded that you cannot best me intellectually, it is your gauntlet to throw. Having thrown it, however, the responsibility to see it through is yours and yours alone. I am not under any obligation to take vacation time and incur the expense of travel to indulge your little fancy. If you are so hypocritical that you see "pussy" as worse than "be a man" and are so utterly, pathetically beaten by my words that you need to use your fists, come here. You have my address, after all.

    Is it still fun to watch these tirades, folks?

  42. Just remember to post the video on YouTube :)

  43. Of course, that's why you made it a challenge that I would have to drive a long way for in the first place. You didn't want a confrontation, you wanted to make a challenge designed to make me say "no." Well, I'm not saying no, I'm just saying I won't waste money on the say-so of a royal piece of shit like you. You honestly think EVERYONE is just as stupid as you are, don't you?

    Anyway, it's YOUR challenge. You are the one with nothing more to say. You're the one who is reduced to fighting, so come on out, big man. Like you said, you have my address. Or were you lying..... AGAIN??? Do you really want a piece of me, or is this just theatrics?

    I'm not the one who's talking rough and tough, so if you want this, make it happen. Don't try to pin it on me, I'm not the one who issued a physical challenge. I have no obligation to indulge you by doing things the way you dictate. So either PUT UP OR SHUT THE FUCK UP.

    See everyone? That's how you stand up to an asshole. Unfortunately, it takes balls, enough to actually stick up for what you know is right. It's much more difficult than ENABLING, so I don't expect it to catch on in Blogovia.

  44. You're being dissed on someone else's blog again, Joe. A blog on which your comments will be changed if the administrator doesn't like them. Wow ~ it takes so much courage to do that! Almost as much courage as it takes to challenge someone to a fight on the internets. There's such a chill going down my spine at the thought of the scary person who would do that... ho hum...

  45. Well, Mark, some of us have minds - educated ones, in fact, and are able to get jobs using those minds. There is certainly nothing wrong with working mentally, rather than manually, although there is certainly nothing wrong with manual labor, either. All work is honorable.

    That's probably one of the most arrogant, classist things I've seen. One of my best friends is an electrician. He's also so well read that he can make even "educated" types look stupid. Same thing with DD.

  46. I figured he would, Cheezy, because you're right - I can't defend myself there. It's a safe haven for him, he can preach to his choir and change any comment I make. I also figure that few if any of my "blogfriends" can be arsed to stick up for me as I've done for others on many occasions.

  47. Like I keep saying, Joe, you're an asshole of the highest order.

    Educate an asshole, and he's just an educated asshole.

    Funny, I seem to remember you and not a few others trouncing Law Wench for referring to her degree. Now excuse me, I have some of dat dere manual Labor to do, seein' as how I ain't all edumacated and shit.

  48. Besides, Joe, what degree, exactly, would I pursue if I wanted to be a salesman?

    I mean, is there like a PhD for that?

    Doctorate of Shuck and Jive?

    A Masters in Bait-and-Switch?

    A Bachelors in Glib Bullshit?

  49. Who said anything about degrees? Are you having fun playing with your strawman?

    BTW I don't work as a salesman anymore. But please, keep pretending you know something about me. Anything.

    What degree does a cabinet maker need?

  50. Hello, Switzerland here.

    A fight? I real, physical fight? That was in jest, right?

  51. DD-You'd have to ask the person who proposed it. I'm not laughing.

    Wench- Aren't you the one who said "I'm a lawyer who makes $100,000/year, so I don't have time to address every comment" or somesuch? And you say that I am arrogant for saying "All work is honorable" in response to LIES that Mark posted about MY work? It's okay for Mark to post lies, but it isn't okay for me to put him in his place and say that all work is honorable? How does one get to be a lawyer without having even the most fundamental grasp of logic?

    You really are a hypocrite, aren't you? Especially the way you go on about "morals" on that piece of shit you call a blog. Just because you go to church for the express purpose of insulting everyone else in the church on your blog, that doesn't make you moral. Being moral takes more than just insulting everyone in the world who doesn't think like you. It takes knowing right from wrong, and anyone who routinely ignores the absolute lies and hypocrisy of their "friends" doesn't know the first thing about right and wrong. No wonder you stood up for Falwell - you're just like him - a goddamn "Christian" phony.

    I can't believe that I took the time to make that last comment I made on your blog. It was, if you recall, a kind comment about the loss of your pet - a gesture you couldn't be bothered, in all your morality, to extend to me when both my mother and my dog died within a two week span. So shut your fucking phony elitist showoff pandering enabler hole, and stop pretending to be anything more than a close-minded hypocritical twat.

  52. I really do hope it was made tounge in cheek because otherwise it has passed what i would deem acceptable.

  53. Jeff said...

    I need a cigarette.

    Meet you out back (got any papers?)

  54. BTW, I never insulted LW for having a degree. I'm currently pursuing a degree myself, so to put her down for having one would be very weird. I DID question her need to announce how much she makes, but I did not insult her for it.

    It seems you're both liars, doesn't it?

    So are you coming down here, tough guy? Are you? I see that you're acting like a big shot at your blog because I won't drive to Vegas on your say so, but that doesn't mean that you have the stones to make good on your childish threat.


    Your enablers are waiting, Mark.

  55. Who's a cabinetmaker, you flaming idiot?

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Driving the honey truck is honourable work, Joe. Pickinmg up tin cans is honourable work. Doing whatever the fuck you do is honourable work if you're not stealing.

    Being an attorney is honourable work. (Did you forget all the comments at other blogs you made about that, not to mention your "friends"?) Active participation in a Twelve Step program for over eighteen years is honourable. Since you are the consummate master of the cheap shot, I don't even CARE what the fucking point is you're trying to make.

    And by the way, claiming a superior intellect to people who do engage in manual labor is so very NOT honourable. I think my work here is finished.

    Have a good weekend.

  58. Well, fuck, I really don't like getting called out like that yet again... Okie dokie, then I guess I'll pipe up.

    Links. Cites. Proof. Where the fuck did anyone question the honor of being an attorney? Because I know you're talking about my blog. So please, I want to you to show me where Joe and his "friends". As a matter of fact, Joe said that all work was honorable. But I guess there's a secret meaning behind every single word written by him or his friends. Ha!

    Now, who's got the goddamned papers? I've got the lighter. Let's stop this bullshit and have a real party.

  59. "Did you forget all the comments at other blogs you made about that, not to mention your "friends"?)"

    Where to start.

    I don't believe I ever disparaged lawyers. Any more than the New Yorker cartoons do, anyway. Everyone tells a lawyer joke now and again. I did not ever put LW down for being a lawyer, or for being educated. I do believe I questioned her ability to debate, though, as I find it questionable. If you can show otherwise, please listen to the lady above.

    Second- now I am responsible for the comments of others. Okay. Please let me know who YOU are taking responsibility for. May I call you out for every dipshit thing that one of your "friends" says? (Are you now on board with the notion that being gay or left-handed are CHOICES? - that was a good one.) Besides, as JJ correctly pointed out, who said anything bad about lawyers? O'Tim certainly didn't. He didn't do ANYTHING except fail to hate me as you often prescribe. Paula said that LW was a bitch, not that Marcia Clark was a bitch, so she wasn't disparaging lawyers in general either. Compared to the invective you sling around, "bitch" is a valentine.

    So nice try, but you'll have to make up something better.

    Third, I did not claim to have a superior intellect than those who do manual labor. I've done plenty.

    I claimed to have a superior intellect compared to YOU. And as far as that goes, yes, your work here is done.

  60. With apologies to Lucy for yet another comment, but I deem this one quite necessary, love:

    So Thicker has officially declared his work here done, but have you ever known one of those inflatable punching clowns to all of a sudden cling to the floor? Well neither have I heard of one calling someone out to Vegas for a couple of rounds (and I'd not be surprised if the lil' corporal means paces and pistols). I think Joe's made it pretty clear where he stands on that foolishness and so much more, but I digress.

    I second JennyJinx's motion, and I'd also like to get on the record in this mushroom cloud of a comment thread by asking how this statement...

    "Well, Mark, some of us have minds - educated ones, in fact, and are able to get jobs using those minds. There is certainly nothing wrong with working mentally, rather than manually, although there is certainly nothing wrong with manual labor, either. All work is honorable."

    ...could be interpreted by a reasonable person as being connected to this obvious accusation:

    And by the way, claiming a superior intellect to people who do engage in manual labor is so very NOT honourable.

    That's right, it can't. It's but one example among what are surely hundreds. So sports fans, are you getting the jist of how this works? Speak now or forever hold your peace, if that's what you want to call it.

    I am fo'sho done heeyah.

  61. BTW, did you notice that when you're at Lucy's blog, you write "honorable" like a Brit? You're just all Euro at heart, aren't you??? :-)

  62. Law Wench is a lawyer or she happens to work with some lawyers because on her blog July 27, 2006 she said I'm on the side of Acme but I don't actually do any real legal work. I spend most of my time listening to the drama and looking at documents. She even admitted she only got taken on at the firm so her friend had someone to talk to.
    Suddenly in March 2007 she is a lawyer pulling in nearly a 100k/year and you're not.
    That is a fast promotion or the truth is being stretched slightly.
    Judging by her comments here and elsewhere there is a reason why she doesnt do any real legal work.

  63. Actually and despite whatever else you may think of her, Law Wench is a practicing attorney. Also, her mention of being hired so someone else would have someone to talk to was called "sarcasm".

    Oh, look...I'm not anonymous.

  64. So what if law wench made up about her being a lawyer on 100k a year, i tell everyone im jesus. Its the internet so we can be what we want.

  65. A. Thanks DD.

    B. All of you need to grow the hell up.

    C. "Anonymous:" Do you want my bar number? I could explain what I do but since it's probably way above your thought process, your head would explode. Go ahead and try to understand what being national counsel for a corporation involved in mass tort ligitation is all about. We work for one client and since litigation takes place all over the goddamn country, I don't see a courtroom. Clear enough for you? Oh and the average salary for a Level 3 attorney in my neck of the woods, is $104k. That's average. So unless you expect me to turn over a W-2, you can believe whatever the hell you want.

    And it takes real courage to sign in as anonymous. Bet your either Paula or one of her minions.

    And no, Jesus, unlike you I didn't make it up.

  66. "Bet your either Paula or one of her minions."

    Well, Paula wins that bet. She said that some idiot would blame that on her.

    And I think you meant "you're."

    I'm still wondering where that "minions" stuff comes from. Can anyone explain where Paula derives the power to control us all from? Can anyone explain why it must be a personal vendetta and not the words and actions of of Mark and LW that causes the animosity these people experience from multiple angles?

    I thought conservatives were about taking responsibility for your problems, not just trying to claim that everyone is out to get you. Then again, this "everyone is jealous and hates us" crap is VERY neocon, isn't it?

    You stuck your own nose into this, Wench. Blame yourself.

    I never denigrated anyone's education, and only denigrated Mark's work after he began making up lies about mine. You and Mark denigrate people's educations and professions as a regular part of your "debating style" the lack of which on your part is exactly why people have doubts about your profession. After all, people do expect lawyers to be able to form a logical argument.

  67. Wench thinks anyone who says anything about her is Paula because she's so fucking stupid she doesn't realize there is more than one person who finds her to be a boring, ignorant, bullying liar.

    Anyone who professes to be Christian and so ''right'' all the time but goes to church only for blog fodder needs to get a life of their own.

    Countdown 1....2......3....Tell us again how much you ''don't care'' Wench, it's funnier every time you say it.

  68. Paula's got minions! Woo-hoo! All hail, Paula!

    Oh, wait, Paula's not here. What the hell?

  69. For the record, countdowns actually work backward. Thus, the "-down".

  70. You give us permission to believe what the hell we want?
    Seems we all think your a fucking lying cry baby then doesnt it.

  71. Man, I just stepped into this thread for a minute and the heat burned half my toes off. Now I have to go to the ER burn unit and get treatment, and I've heard that hurts.

  72. Sorry about the toesies, PJ. I have some extra aloe vera lotion you can use.

  73. Nah, my toesies are burned down to nubs by now. But that's okay, my feet were too long anyway.

    What I can't figure out is how Lucy, who is truly one of the sweetest, gentlest bloggers I've ever run into on the InterBlogNet, seems to somehow end up with the most vitriolic fights in her blog comments. Boggles the mind, it does. It's kind of like if Princess Grace, when she was alive, had fist fights break out in her palace every time she opened her mouth.

  74. She's stopped causing fights now that she's dead, though? :-)

    I think it might be the gritty, emotional and always very current topics she chooses. She isn't all kitties 'n' assholes like me.

  75. 1-20-09 is the date we're all waiting for. The end of an error. No matter who gets elected it will be better than what we're faced with now, that's how bad it is in the US. Not that it would ever happen but if Bush were charged as a war criminal. It would be good for the USA and future leaders to stay clear of personal issues and do what's right for the rest of the world.

    Basically what I'm saying is don't be an asshole.
