FOAB Information

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Even More Iraqi Madness

Since 2003, there have been some decisions concerning Iraq that really does make you wonder what goes on inside the heads of the people who ponder these things.
Just exactly what train of thought the decision to arm the Sunni insurgents followed can only be concluded that there was a copious amount of mind bending drugs involved.
The military has embarked on the mind numbingly daft strategy in the hope that they will tackle al-Qaeda in Iraq.
So will the Sunni's now rise up against al-Qaeda and its foreign fighters or will they run back to their hidey holes and turn the weapons on the crazy Americans who have just handed them the capability to blow a few more holes in US soldiers and the Shia's who they fighting a civil war with.
Oh ye of little faith.
That's where the master stoke comes in because in order to get hold of the weapons in the first place, the insurgents have to promise to turn on al-Qaeda and not attack US troops.
And it has to be a proper, no fingers crossed promise and they have to really, really mean it.
The lunatics really do run the asylum.


  1. Did they have them swear on a Bible?? :-)

    I have no doubt that much of the ammunition we provide will come back to us at high velocity.

  2. No no no no no ... you are all so unwilling to have faith!

    Sure, this sort of strategy ended up biting us in the ass in the past. I mean, in hindsight, maybe providing Saddam with the knowhow, money, materials, weapons, munitions, materiel, training, equipment, and support to fight Iran back in the mid 80's wasn't the best move. And sure, perhaps providing similar support to a young anti-Soviet guerilla named Osama Bin Laden might not have turned out so great. But this time it will work! See, the Sunni's really hate Al Qaeda! How can this go wrong?

    To borrow a phrase from a great man, "and so it goes."

    Ook ook

  3. I don't think lunatics is an acceptable phrase these days. Try retards, it's much more fitting.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I agree with Lucy 100% on this question.

    Indeed, it's a carbon copy of what Israel did during the late 70's and early 80's to divide the Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation.

    Divide and rule, in a era dominated by Clauswitzian military strategy normally back-firers - or in the case of Israel, Joe the Troll put it succinctly very well – Israel’s arming and funding of Hamas has certainly come back to bite their ass at a hideous rate of velocity.

  6. I join you in that conclusion Joe, the insurgents must think it is Christmas, or at least Eid.

    You are right Fez, and they made them promise they won't use them against the US or UK forces which is what they never got from Bin Laden, or if they did he had his fingers crossed behind his back.

    Nasty nasty word stef, i will spray it around with abandon when i have used all the nice ways of saying someone is an idiot.

  7. Happens time after time courtney but sometimes the logic behind some of these decisions seem crazy to everyone except those who run the show.
