FOAB Information

Wednesday 27 June 2007

Good Riddance

In his last act as an MP, Tony Bliar gave a lesson in humility when he announced he was stepping down for good to take up his new role as middleman for the Palestinian peace process.
"Right from the beginning I've been really great at this job," the self-effacing premier stated, "and you've all been jolly lucky to have me leading you plebs for the last decade, even if I led you into an iffy war with Iraq but even that is looking up because we predict that in twelve months there won't be anybody left, at which point we are confident the country's own police force will be able to take control of security."
Flashing his trademark idiotic grin, Bliar then answered a journalists question about his future role.
"My role, as George explained to me, will be to prepare the Palestinian Government to negotiate with Israel which will mean yet another election there until we get the Government we want and then forcing them to tackle their terrorist problem while not mentioning Israel's unwillingness to to accept UN resolutions, end the illegal occupation or bring down the apartheid wall."
With a cheery farewell, he then set off to hand back the keys to her her Majesty who is expected join the rest of the country celebrating Tony Bliar's resignation with a big tea party.

Bye Tone, i can't say it's fun because, to be honest, it hasn't been.

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