FOAB Information

Sunday 17 June 2007

If I Can Be Serious For A Moment

The blogosphere has many good points and just as many bad points.
Some authors may edit comments or close down the comments sections when the debates are not going there way and that is individual choice.
Many reach for the option of banning people and again that is there prerogative. I am willing to accept any form of debate here and yes, tempers can get frayed because hopefully, we get onto topics that can be emotive and controversial but that does not mean we should shy away from them.
What i cannot abide is threats of violence in any form, that is just unacceptable and unjustifiable.
Such macho nonsense is not welcome here and neither is the people who would reach for this option.
The person who initiated the pathetic nonsense here lately has told me they will voluntarily stay away which is the best option.
Debate, argue, swear and disagree but threatening violence is against everything i believe in and is not welcome here, nor the bloggers who cannot debate issues without threats of violence.


  1. "The person who initiated the pathetic nonsense here lately has told me they will voluntarily stay away which is the best option."

    Actually, in response to your e-mail, I said I was done at that thread. And I have ceased commenting there in spite of the stupidity continuing in my absence. Choosing to single out one person's behavior over the others' there is ridiculous.

    I won't "stay away" because of the antics of certain idiots commenting on your blog, Lucy. If it is your desire that I stay away, I am more than happy to accomodate you.

  2. "And I have ceased commenting there in spite of the stupidity continuing in my absence."

    From what I understand you've had plenty of stupidity continuing in your presence at your blog, as well. I mean, dragging my Mom into this, knowing full well that she died three weeks ago? Her death was even mentioned in the previous thread before you did that, so don't pretend you didn't know about it.

    You can, however, pretend to have a little class. Lucy's made herself clear.

    Remember, everyone - when you see this type of behavior and say nothing, you're endorsing the behavior whether you mean to or not. You'll stand for SOMETHING... will it be what you want to stand for?

    My thanks to Lucy and the others who stood up for decent, intelligent behavior and honesty.

  3. "I mean, dragging my Mom into this, knowing full well that she died three weeks ago?"

    Nice try Joe. I maded the "run along hjome" comment before your meltdown wehere you mentioned that. Anyone who wants to bother can checkk the time stamps on my and Lucy's blogs.

    Considering I don't read your blog, and you haven't mentioned it anywhere else, I had no way of knowing that.

    It never ends, with you, does it?

  4. "Such macho nonsense is not welcome here and neither is the people who would reach for this option."

    Exactly. Not exactly cryptic is it? The meaning of this is pretty clear, I think.

  5. Marky,

    I was referring to the post at your blog about how "Mrs. Serio must be so proud of her baby boy". It was up last night,well after my comment about it, and has since been removed.You're going to pretend it never happened now. Okay. You know it did, and you know people saw it, but keep pretending.

    Besides, I told you a month ago at Wench's that my mom was expected to go within a week or so. That was when you were insulting Cheezy's mother, and I was giving you a chance to cut mine up a little before she died. You chose to wait until after, evidently.

    I can only imagine the type of people responsible for the utter lack of character you demonstrate on a daily basis.

    BTW, I thought you had respect for a blog administrator's wishes. Isn't that what you implied before? Was that just another of your lies?

  6. I am willing to accept any form of debate here and yes, tempers can get frayed because hopefully, we get onto topics that can be emotive and controversial but that does not mean we should shy away from them.

    No, you shouldn't shy away from controversial topics; but neither should you have to accept flaming and abusive rhetoric as some kind of "necessary evil." One obvious reason is that the thread very soon becomes focused on the personality conflict between the flamers rather than the topic at hand.

    Another question is whether abuse should really qualify as debate at all?

    There's a very good post at the now defunct Bruce's Rave and Rant which you may find germane to the current discussion, Lucy.

  7. "Considering I don't read your blog"

    So it's just a COINCIDENCE that your post about the e-mail exchange with Lucy disappeared this morning right after I posted my examination of it at my blog? Wow, what incredible accidental timing!

  8. I won't "stay away" because of the antics of certain idiots commenting on your blog, Lucy. If it is your desire that I stay away, I am more than happy to accomodate you.

    What a pantload of mind-numbing twaddle. Oh that you only would spare all of us "idiots" your presence, Mark, so we can be done suffering your "poor-poor-persecuted-me" dipshittery.

    Someone who outdoes your leaky arguments with Socratic logic, tears apart your lies like Clarence Darrow and confronts your tirades and tantrums with a Groucho Marx aplomb is the furthest thing from (while proving beyond doubt that you are) an idiot.

    Cheers to you, Lucy. Like myself, you won't regret standing up to Mark's abusive and delusional presence as he trolls about. I wasn't the first, and you hopefully yet still rather sadly will not be the last.
