FOAB Information

Tuesday 5 June 2007

Our Olympic Logo

Here we have the result of £400,000 and a years consumer testing.
This is the 2012 London Olympics Logo. Great isn't it although the design has been a bit controversial since its launch yesterday.
Firstly, it was universally condemned as rubbish by all and sundry and likened to the scrawling of a young child armed with a red crayon and a can of Dr Pepper.
If that didn't send the logo designers diving for the nearest pub and a few pints of full strength cider, the site that housed its animated version caused some web viewers to suffer epileptic fits.
Jubilant organisers have hailed it as dynamic and vibrant, but to everyone else it is £400,000 down the gurgler and looks to me like one of those television graphics that has the pieces slowly come together to form a picture. Can't help thinking that if the image rolled on a few more seconds we would have a fully formed swastika.


  1. I could have drawn something that good for only 100,000, but no one had the sense to ask me.

  2. "Can't help thinking that if the image rolled on a few more seconds we would have a fully formed swastika."

    Considering the subject of the last post, that's no big surprise, is it?

  3. I saw somebody else's design today which had the 2012 in italics making up the 'LON' of London (try writing it and you will see it). That was lovely, simple and got the message across.

    How annoying that instead they got a bunch of idiots to try and be 'street' with something that looks dated NOW let alone in five years time!

  4. I think young Stef's made the funniest call about this so far. He said it looks like Lisa Simpson giving head. Ha!

  5. Oh me. At least (we hope) you don't get any odd dancing mascots.

  6. Lisa Simpson giving head.
    That's inspired, great spot.

  7. Lisa Simpson giving head.


    Well, that's another of my secret fantasies I can cross off the list.

    Ook ook

  8. At least (we hope) you don't get any odd dancing mascots.

    Ah, yessss

  9. Holy shit, it is Lisa Simpson giving head! That's hilarious.

  10. Someone said it looks like someone combined dynamite and origami.

  11. I'm sorry, but the more I look st that design, the more I have to say it's shite.

    For a start, why is the Olympic logo small and stuffed away in the right hand corner? Isn't it suppose to be the most important part of the design? Why are the rings plain white? The rings are suppose to represent the five continents of the Earth, with five different colours for each ring.

    Why is London spelt with a lower case L?

    If you ask me, the logo represents the mess that Seb Coe and the rest of the British Olympic committee are in.

    The logo is supposed to read 2012 - yeah right whatever.
