FOAB Information

Thursday 7 June 2007

Suspicions Cast On McCann's

When Madeline McCann went missing in Portugal 34 days ago, the media response was hugely supportive but there was always a faint undercurrent of apportioning blame to the parents.
The initial finger pointing quickly faded as the story rolled but as the four year old continues to be missing, the sympathy is very slowly morphing into something altogether more sinister.
For the first time, these suspicions have been aired when a reporter questioned them about whether they were involved in her disappearance.
"How do you feel about the fact that more and more people seem to be pointing the finger at you and implying that you might have something to do with it?" they were asked.
There does seem to be a feeling among a growing minority that something just does not seem to be sitting right with their stories.
Until the Portuguese turn up some evidence to the contrary, it seems bad taste to make any implications of the parents involvement in their child's disappearance but as time goes by, the whispers are certainly growing.


  1. Well, I have no opinion of their guilt in her disappearance, because I don't know, but the BEST thing I could say for them is that they're selfish morons who should not be raising children. You do not leave three small children unattended in a hotel room while you go eat. They're not puppies. I assume that the suspicions arise from the fact that their story makes them look like such incredible imbeciles.

  2. what do you think of these suspicions Lucy? the McCann's just seem so clean cut, i can't imagine why people would think in such a sinister way.
    let's hope not, as the stroy seems to have hit so many parents who sympathise with the McCann's plight.

  3. Leaving the children alone was thoughtless but didn't cause the little girl to be abducted. If a determined stalker is watching a child they will, eventually, find an opportunity. I think people like to blame the parents and think they may have been involved because that makes the rest of us feel safe. It's human nature to try and find reasons for things and patterns even where such things don't exist. Not very compassionate though.

  4. "Leaving the children alone was thoughtless but didn't cause the little girl to be abducted."

    Leaving your front door wide open doesn't CAUSE your house to be robbed, but it certainly facilitates matters. Aren't parents responsible for the safety of their children? As I said, I have no opinion of their guilt, but at the very least they shirked their responsibility in a very stupid fashion, and if their story brings suspicion on them it's because it has them doing something that good parents don't do.

  5. To add to what Joe said, if the parents are with the kid, the chances of the kid being abducted decline, probably dramatically. I can't fathom leaving young children alone like that at home, let alone in a hotel room. The parents deserve to be raked over the coals for their selfishness and stupidity. (that doesn't mean I believe turning it into a witch hunt because some reporter looking for a story wants to implicate the parents)

  6. Unfortunately, public opinion can often be whipped into a frenzy based on little more than boredom, innuendo, and a clever bit of phrasing. Actual guilt or innocence is often never a part of public judgment.

    Case in point: There was a congressman out in Northern California named Gary Condit. He had this young woman named Chandra Levy working for him, who went missing one day and was never found. Although there was no actual evidence to support the idea, this congressman was essentially tried and convicted in the press and public opinion. Simply because suspicion that a middle aged man could have an affair with a young woman and kill her to protect himself seemed plausible.

    The punch line is that it was the media which continued to whip the public frenzy, not some organic movement. I suspect the public vilification of these people is caused by the same thing.

    After all, who needs evidence when you have good editing, a clever reporter, and no suspects in custody?

    Ook ook

  7. It's Jon Benet all over again.

    To points already made, yep, bonehead move to leave young children alone for any length of time. Sickos break in and snatch while parents ARE home (Elizabeth Smart, Polly Klaas, Danielle van Dam), take while a child plays in the yard (Samantha Runnion)or is mere blocks or steps from home (Ben Ownby, Steven Staynor).

  8. Don't forget the Lindbergh baby! People have had plenty of time to catch on to this.

  9. Maybe the deengo deed eet?

    Sorry, crap joke. Particularly at a time like this.

  10. Where is Meryl Streep when you need her.

  11. Fez - first, a correction. Levy's remains were discovered about a year after her disappearance in D.C.'s Rock Creek Park, the site of several previous searches. It was ruled a homicide and is now classified as a cold case by the FBI.

    Second, it works both ways with the press. Consider Laci Peterson (like Levy also from Modesto, Ca). Media pressure and public outcry kept the case in a light (or "public frenzy" if you prefer) that eventually produced a conviction of her husband Scott.

  12. Well, the parents leave the children alone, how did the kidnapper know that they were alone? What if there was a babysitter or something.

    Why was there a window open in the first place?

    I hope they find Madeleine, :(
