FOAB Information

Friday 13 July 2007

Bravery Of Bullfighting

The Spaniards are not renown for their kindness to animals as the annual Goat-tossed-from-the-belfry-ritual shows, and the killing is hitting full stride as the 'sport' of bullfighting reaches its peak.
It is a story of romance and passion as a sword-wielding matador pits his courage against a ferocious raging bull, risking his life to entertain the crowds. Or so they would like you to think.
Actually, the truth is the bulls are weakened beforehand by using weights and/or drugs to sap their strength and their horns are shortened and blunted which impairs their coordination.
Before the matador even gets close to the beast, men on horses drive lances into the bull’s back and neck muscles, impairing the bull’s ability to lift his head. Then come the banderilleros on foot, who plunge brightly colored sticks with harpoon points into it's back.
When the bull is sufficiently weakened from blood loss the matador appears and, after provoking a few exhausted charges from the dying animal, tries to kill the bull with his sword.
A few minutes later, another bull enters the arena and the sadistic cycle starts again.
Hard to find words to express the actions of the men who partake in this disgusting practise but pathetic, cowardly scum sums them up nicely.


  1. Can't add anything to that.

  2. Anyone who derives pleasure from watching an animal suffer is a sicko, and probably only a step away (if that) from getting the same kicks from human suffering.

  3. We caught a few seconds of the bulls getting revenge on some of those that
    participate in the running of the bulls. This may sound awful, but I consistently root for the bulls.

  4. I root for the bulls too. The whole thing is so stupid and sick it boggles my mind.

  5. I am with you annie and miz, i do get some perverse pleasure of seeing the fools getting bowled over by the bull.
    There should be no place for this in this day and age.

  6. Yeah everyones comments here are spot on...totally sick!
    I thought things were changing and the 'sport' was being made ethical (if you could call it that) and that ppl like WSPA were stopping it in several countries?

  7. That's absolutely sick. There is nothing romantic or glamorous about torturing animals. Unless they're the two legged kind. I can get behind that.

  8. Pack yer bags, JJ. There's work to be done at Gitmo! ;)

  9. Hmm, O'Tim, I was thinking more along the lines of those that run Gitmo.:) Or some sicko freak raping kids. I'd even participate on that one.

  10. Yeah, those words just about some it up.
