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Sunday 22 July 2007

I'm Talking Bol*icks

With the exception of any penis related activity, i am of the opinion that anything a man can do, so can a woman.
Obviously, due to the physical differences, some of these things men are much more better at so they will always beat us ladies at anything which requires strength or speed, but there strongest asset is also their downfall. Higher levels of testosterone.
Throughout history, women have been seen as the more sensible, caring and sensitive gender. You only have to flick through the stats of serial killers, murders and war-mongering types to see the female half of the population are very under represented.
With India electing their first female President, Mrs Pratibha Patil, their will be two less testosterone filled swingers on the World stage and if you pardon me being a hairy legged, bra burning feminist, i think the planet would benefit from more women leaders.
From Bush strutting about as if he had a grapefruit in each armpit to Berlosconi trying to single handily increase the Italian population with every woman he meets, male leaders seem just too concerned with their 'machismo'.
Author Daniela Gioseffi hit the nail on the head when she said 'Why is the half of humanity with a special sensitivity to the preciousness of life almost wholly unrepresented in defense establishments and peace negotiations worldwide?'
It leaves us with 2 solutions. Either elect more women to office around the World or make with the nut crackers at the next summit meeting!


  1. It's because ladies have been voting for men, don't ask me why.

  2. Bush strutting about as if he had a grapefruit in each armpit

    LMAO !

  3. I think Condi works for peace. Just not at any price.

  4. Strange, I guess there must be two Condis in the world. The one I'm thinking of was instrumental in using a foul act of terrorism as a pretext for waging a predetermined war of aggression against an uninvolved, and fundamentally disarmed, nation, and is therefore partly responsible for the current situation of - let's face it - losing America a war.

    I like the sound of that other one though.

  5. The answer is simple. Castrate all males at birth. They would then become docile and unthreatening.

    Women would automatically assert themselves (as they are prone to do) and, within a decades, a myriad Margaret Thatchers would appear on the world stage and soon thereafter war would continue as usual.


  6. Same one, just a matter of perspective,

    a predetermined war of aggression against an uninvolved, and fundamentally disarmed, nation

    being just one, but I won't waste your time going over the goals, which were ultimately for a stronger peace, war being the tool, though the justifications were all wrong I agree, the whole reason I posted being merely to agree that

    the planet would benefit from more women leaders

    even though you never really know what you will get. I gather a lot of Brits think little enough of Thatcher too anymore.

  7. Either elect more women to office around the World or make with the nut crackers at the next summit meeting!

    Mwahaha! I'll bring the supplies.:)
