FOAB Information

Friday 6 July 2007

Only 16 Months To Go

My blog stats suddenly exploded, appears a few media outlets are using paragraphs from this
blog or linking to it, some big hitters as well, such as the online version of the Wall Street Journal are linking here from their stories.
As it seems the posts that are interesting the American press is the Presidential race, i guess i will have to make it a regular feature so expect a series of 'A Europeans Look At The Presidential Race ' or some similiar titled posts for the next.....16 months!! Blimey.


  1. Hope when you say, "...a few media outlets are using paragraphs from this blog" you're getting a byline or a shout out or something.

  2. That's neat, Lucy! I can say I knew you when. ;)

  3. I have had direct links back here so far jodie and it has only been several sentences in a few newspapers attributed to me.
    The Newstex people are obviously hiking me around a few outlets lately.
    Don't worry miz uv, i will still be sat here in a few years time trying to think of funny opening lines to add to my posts.

  4. Oh wow! Thats great, lucy! You're a clever little chicky!

    Keep up the controversy then!
    Zoe XXX

  5. Thanks Zoe, i wasn't sure this jokey/bouncy style of writing was working (humour really can be in the eye of the beholder i find)and was considering going proper serious but i am now reconsidering.

  6. I have been reading your blog for a while now luce and the reason i like it so much is because it is so different to most of the other blogs.
    Don't go serious because i love your wit and little funny one liners even if they do sail over the head of some. Most of us get them.

  7. I like your style, Lucy. None of us are splatface-free, but then not many of us are linked by the WSJ. Woohoo!

  8. Congrats, Lucy. I like your use of humour as well.

  9. Oooh! How exciting! Good for you...

  10. Yes, another vote for keeping the jokes in, Lucy. The alternative is talking about our beloved leaders without taking the piss... which is (a) harder to do, and (b) not as entertaining to read :)

  11. Mockery stays in then, cheers everyone.

  12. Technorati isn't very impressed, and neither am I.

  13. Hey Dick - someone who links to an empty profile isn't exactly impressive, either. If you're going to be a puss, why not just insult Lucy under "anonymous"?

  14. Sorry about that dick, i will arrange to be dragged down to the town square and flogged.
    I am sure that the fact dick linked to an empty profile was accidental Joe, nobody would want to be seen as that cowardly on purpose.
    Would they?

  15. Here, I opened it for you.
    Nice name calling by the way. Joel, you must be one of those big, scary, tough guys.

  16. Who's Joel?

    Lucy - this guy is Mark's new buddy. Unless you think that a buddy that Mark made right after agreeing to leave this blog found you all on his own, I think you can see what has happened. Mark whined about how bad we were to him and sent him over to get a few digs in on his behalf. It's much the same as the way Mark won't post on my blog - even though I've never posted rules that allow me to change comments - but his pal Gekko still comes by to give me shit. It's basically a case of a coward hiding behind others of his ilk.

    Oh, and I've seen the stuff you post, Dick, so please don't pretend that "puss" offends you. Mark may have told you that I'm stupid, but if I am what does that make the blogger who's never won a single debate with me, who in fact has never been in one without resorting to lies?

  17. Great job, Lucy! Fuck technorati. I'm impressed and, really, that's all that matters. Right? I can't wait for your book to come out. Then you'll get a gig on Salon. Oh, man, I'm getting all misty eyed here.:)

    Don't touch it. It smells. Ew.

  18. Marks new buddy is he. That explains everything. He has moved towards a more extremist view since leaving our happy little blog family.
    I had a look dicky boys blog and his parents must be very proud.

    Thanks jenny, i am aiming for a spot on Oprah or failing that, Springer.

  19. I think Springer would be fantastic! But only if you dress up like a man dressing up like a woman so you can sleep with your sister's cousin.

  20. Sweet Jesus, Lucy's got a leak in her basement too! Or is it just a big dick taking a leak in her basement?

    Go back to knockin' on the golden shower door, Mr. Sockpuppet.

  21. Hahaha! Young Richard's profile is one of the most amusing that I've seen... Have you seen what he's written down as his 'interests'?

    "Pissing off Liberals/Muslims. Beating up small children and old people. Pushing the wheelchair bound off piers. Picking the wings off of flies. Rape murder arson & rape. Kicking puppies burning villages pillaging plunder and generally misbehaving. Selling photos of your old lady naked."

    Or, to put all this another way, he likes pretending that these are his interests on his 'bloggy-woggy'! Exciting stuff! It's no wonder that that other 'Lee Marvin of cyberspace' was so impressed :-p
