FOAB Information

Saturday 28 July 2007

Rich & Famous Mugshots

It seems the latest craze among the young, rich and famous is to find yourself on the wrong side of the law but the right side of a police photographers lens.
Celebrities getting caught doing things they shouldn't be and their subsequent mugshots being paraded for all to see has bought much satisfaction to many, me included.
Some come out of the event with a picture that doesn't actually look to bad. Paris Hilton's, Mel Gibson's and even Lindsey Lohan's latest effort are not too shabby.
Hugh Grant looks suitably uncomfortable in his which is to be expected as he had just been caught on the receiving end of a prostitutes receiving end. Receiving it.
My own personal favourite has to be Nick Nolte's 2002 mugshot after he was arrested
and charged with driving under the influence. Judging by his hair, i would guess his car was a convertible with a broken 'hood-up' button.
There is no truth in the rumour that after he stepped out of the car the Officer asked him if he was drunk and Mr Nolte slurred "Would i wear a shirt like this if i was sober?"


  1. Nolte's was surely one of the best mugshots ever.

  2. That shot of Nick surely was taken immediately after he was told that Bush had been re-elected!


  3. Perhaps Nick is one of those long haired Adonis's (sic?) that Lucy has a 'thing' for?... ;-)

  4. Check out Glenn Campbell's mugshot.

    As our semitic friends would say, Oy gevalt!

  5. There is no truth in the rumour that...Mr Nolte slurred "Would i wear a shirt like this if i was sober?"

    Actually the cop asked him, "When did you have your last drink, sir?"

    Nolte replied, "Shit, I'm not done yet!"

  6. Glen Campbell looks great, what is it about hair and being drunk?
    Sadly Cheezy, Nolte would fail the 'Can you still see his shirt when you close your eyes' test.

  7. I kinda like Nolte's shirt ...

    Ook ook
