FOAB Information

Sunday 1 July 2007

Terror Threat Britain

Welcome to the top post Mr Brown. Our top priorities are the Postal Strike, the Prison overcrowding crisis and the fact that there have been 4 terrorist attempts in the last 2 days.
Gordy sure has to hit the ground running as the pictures of a flaming 4x4 firmly embedded in the side of Glasgow Airport and car bombs being taken away on lorries emanate from our TV Screens.
Blair's reaction to terrorism was a strange beast. He held talks with the IRA and released all the convicted terrorists early under the Good Friday Agreement and then changed tact completely following the July 8 bombings and went steaming into the Muslim Community with all guns blazing. Literally in many cases.
Don't know what Browns reaction is going to be but we can just thank our lucky stars that the only person seriously injured this weekend was the driver of the jeep who is in hospital with serious burns.
Will Brown react with the knee jerking clamp down on all as his predecessor did or attempt to engage with a section of community angry enough to take the lives of innocent countrymen along with their own.
Prevention is always a better option than cure.

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