FOAB Information

Monday 27 August 2007

Fires & Frying Pans

While the fault for making the World a more dangerous place falls directly on the doormats marked Blair and Bush, there has been an even deadlier threat of our imminent demise coming from the eastern side of Europe.
Not quite so quietly, Russia have been tearing up arms agreement with Nato, denouncing the US, grabbing chunks of the Arctic, and buzzing Britain and the USA with heavy bombers which had the RAF and USAF scrambling fighters.
As promised, Putin had said he would resume long-range combat missions by bomber aircraft capable of hitting the US with nuclear weapons. Patrols over the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic began last week for the first time since 1992.
The revival of Russian military prowess comes after rapidly deteriorating relations with the west following the US's missile defence plans in Europe. A recent show of strength saw a new supersonic cruise missile unveiled alongside new and improved jets and Migs that had industry observers cooing in admiration.
Should we be worried about Putin restarting an arms race and filling our skies with nuclear armed bombers? Not really, the problems will come after 2008 when Sergei Ivanov, Russia's answer to Donald Rumsfeld and the leading candidate to succeed Putin, gets his hands on the Presidential Office.
Out of the frying pan and straight back into another one.


  1. Thank heavens one nation is providing a counterbalance to the blatant American attempt to control the world both economically and militarily.

    We don't need any greedy country to dominate. We need a real world government that operates for the benefit of all the world's people!


  2. "Should we be worried about Putin restarting an arms race"

    As you pointed out, it was another world leader who opened up that Pandora's box again. Just another valuable part of our leader's legacy.

    It's a shame that we don't seem to be learning from the ample lessons he provides. In the next election, most people will certainly resume voting with anything but their brains.

  3. If they keep this shit up, Joe, I'm likely to be voting with my feet.

  4. Time to dust off that copy of Dr. Strangelove and get back to some good old fashioned Cold War paranoia.

    Those were the days.

    Ook ook

  5. Well, Reagan "ended" the first Cold War (hahahaha!!) and GW starts a new one. Isn't that nice?

    I don't like the fact that our president has made missile attacks a threat to our citizens again. Does he really think he'll be able to dominate the world and still have a world to rule? Gah, but this makes my stomach hurt.

  6. I just thought I'd mention that Digby has an article about how Family Security Matters is scrubbing their website of all things insane. Anyway, she pasted an article by Philip Atkinson, who called for Bush to declare himself emperor.

    It's here if you're interested in reading some craziness.
