FOAB Information

Monday 10 September 2007

Bin Laden's Makeover

We have all grown used to Bin Laden's video's by now. The usual fare is he sits there making threats to blow us all up in our beds and generally wipe us all off the map.
Occasionally the editors drop in a few scenes of armed men running around at some training camps or some such but unless you are a terrorist, it is all much the same old yawnfest.
Yadda yadda death to infidels yadda yadda and so on and so on. And those clothes and unkempt appearance, not the most TV friendly wardrobe you could of picked Bin baby.
Finally, the Al-Queada leader has had his wardrobe assistant shot or beheaded or something because he has turned up in his latest propaganda video appearing to wear a freshly-trimmed and dyed beard and gone are the fatigues of previous appearances.
Despite the image we have of Bin Laden hunkering down in dank, dark caves and crippled in pain from his diseased kidneys, the Saudi has had the time to pop down to the local chemist to purchase a bottle of Raven Black and a beard trimmer.
As he turns 50 this year, the murderous despot could be suffering some form of mid-life crisis so expect him to turn up in his next video gunning a Harley Davidson, wearing a shirt with the top few buttons undone and treating us to the riff of Smells Like Teen Spirit on a Fender Stratocaster as he calls for our downfall.


  1. I would like to volunteer to bring him to Vegas for his 50th. A good time will be had by all I promise. The nice thing about Vegas is that after a good 48 hour trip, your too tired to Jihad. I know Kenny at Mandalay Bay, he could set us up.

  2. Life is good in Crawford, Texas, don't ya know?

  3. Vanity, thy name is Osama. What would Allah say, dude?
