FOAB Information

Saturday 20 October 2007

Concurrent Postings

Big thank you to Cody for his suggestion that we do a concurrent posting on the different views held on the support, or lack of, for Israel in America & Europe.
It was a great learning experience for me due to the mostly patient and eloquent explanations from the commenters, so thank you to everyone for your involvement. Your contributions are as always, greatly appreciated.
I know the comments on Cody's posting spiralled off into another area thanks to some indefensible things being mentioned but the person involved has been rightly pulled up short so it has been dealt with.
That matter notwithstanding, this partnership seemed to go so well, we have decided to do a few more USA v Europe posts concerning things that have us scratching our heads about each other.
Hopefully we can touch on some fun, controversial and just plain silly subjects. I would especially like to find out how the hell you yanks managed to mangle the English language at some point (it's spelt doughnut, not donut) but until then thank you for making the initial joint posts a joy to take part in.


  1. I'll be looking forward to that, Lucy! And I think we did used to spell it "doughnut" until recently.

  2. I don't know if I mentioned that I lived in London for a brief time in the late 80's and I took back home one very strong opinion. After my time in that great, wonderful, cosmopolitan, and historical city, I decided that the English have NO right to scold us about anything related to food.
    Thanks again for partnering up with me Lucy, I'm already furiously brainstorming ideas for future posts. Talk to you soon

  3. That would be an interesting topic, Lucy. It would give me a chance to air a couple of English gaffes I see here on a regular basis, but never mention (gentleman that I am). I'll be looking forward to that one. :-)

  4. Only a couple of English gaffes you see here? You can't be looking hard enough!!

  5. I mean the reliable ones, Lucy! Anyone can do a one-shot!!! :-)

  6. Fun stuff. I thought you two did an awesome job of presenting both sides of the ocean. Can't wait for more!

  7. Oh, and what was most amazing to me was seeing Joe and Mark damn near agreeing!

  8. Oh, and finally, would you mind changing me in your blogroll from Boiled Dinner to Startling Stories?

  9. Will do Jefe and i will change miz uv's also, sorry i didn't do it earlier.

  10. "Oh, and what was most amazing to me was seeing Joe and Mark damn near agreeing!"

    Well, it isn't like I'm going to be suddenly antisemitic just to spite him.

    In truth, we've agreed on a lot of things in the past. We still agree on gun control, forex. Mark simply doesn't like acknowledging that, because it would take some of the steam out of the "Joe is running an everyone-should-hate-and-shun-Mark campaign" crapola that he likes to push. You'll notice that my pro-Jewish stance, along with the actual subject Cody wrote about, were ignored in favor of a ad hominem attack on Lucy for linking to Daniel in her blogroll.

  11. He hasn't been able to goad me on anything yet so a dig at my links wasn't going to do it.

  12. I didn't think it would. I merely pointed out that what applies to you should also apply to him. He's linked to a couple people who've made racial remarks more than once. Therefore, glass houses and such. That was the only point I wanted to make.

  13. Someone has mentioned to me that a series of posts continually comparing Europe to America could quickly earn me a swift up the backside or worse by American commenters. She has a point and however tounge in cheek or jokey i make it, or whatever silly subjects we cover, the continual comparing the USA to Europe may wear very thin very quickly.

  14. I think that would only be amongst those that feel that the whole world would be better if everyone learned how to live from US. We always know, best, y'know. ;-)

    Personally, I like hearing different perspectives, and try to keep in mind how comparatively YOUNG our society is.
