FOAB Information

Thursday 18 October 2007


George Washington is famous for chopping down a cherry tree with his hatchet but i can only imagine Barack Obama is hunting down the biggest chainsaw he can find to hack at his family tree now that a dirty little secret has been found dangling off one of the branches.
Before you could say 'a full blood transfusion please', the wife of Dick Cheney could have derailed the Obama roadshow by revealing that her husband and Obama are related. Oh, and part French.
In what must of been one of those glorious 'Oh Bugger' moments in the Barack household, Lyn Cheney revealed that Dick and Obama are eighth cousins and descendants from a garlic muncher who emigrated from France in the 17th Century.
Of course you cannot choose your family but it certainly shows that the Cheney blood is running through the Illinois Senator's veins when Obama mentioned recently that he would have no qualms about dropping a few bombs on Pakistan. Cousin Dick would of been very proud of that one.
The Obama campaign staff tried to make light of the relationship by joking about every family having a black sheep but they will wait nervously to see if the Senators aspirations are hit by this bombshell. A bombshell sent courtesy of a Cheney so nothing new there then.


  1. It's that one word we have here in America, Assimilation. It is funny though.

  2. This is so dumb! Not you, Lucy, but the idea that anyone gets excited about being related to someone from that long ago. Go back a bit more and we're ALL related. Dur. I'm just annoyed cuz my mom does all this genealogy crap and I have to listen to it. Bleh!

  3. Assimilation? I guess so... but I also suspect that the old 'Slavemaster's Perogative' may have had something to do with it! ;-)

  4. Sorry Cheezy, it came from his white side.

  5. Yeah, I was being a bit cheeky there... However it's a fact that a lot of the early 'racial mixing' was the result of (often violent) interracial jiggery-pokery between white slaveowners and enslaved women and girls - resulting in the so-called 'shadow families' of the Deep South.

  6. i just found this incredibly funny because i could see Obama sitting in his kitchen and thinking "Oh Crap".

  7. I think Obama should grab this and run with it - he'd be a much more successful Republican, being as he's to the right of every other Democrat in the running. He could be like, I dunno, a smarter, whiter J.C. Watts.
