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Wednesday 10 October 2007

Lords Discuss Anti-Americanism

There has been an undercurrent of anti-American feeling swirling around since i can remember but it was always low level and not particularly powerful. However the undercurrent has turned into a rapid over the last few years and has reached such proportions that it even rated a question in the House of Lords today.
Lord Saatchi asked Her Majesty's Government what was their assessment of anti-Americanism in the UK and larger world.
The debate between the Lords threw up many reasons why according to the 2005 Pew Trusts research poll, anti-Americanism is deeper and broader than at any time in modern history. They seemed to conclude that their is a plethora of issues that come together to explain why the rest of us outside of the USA fail to hold up America as a shining example.
I can explain it in 3. Bush, Iraq and Israel.
The term anti-Americanism seems too wide ranging, it is obscene to be anti an entire nation and what i see as i travelled about Europe these last few years is an overwhelming feeling of anti-Bush, not anti-America.
George Bush's arrogant gung-ho military style, recent foreign policy with regards to the middle east and unwavering support for Israel is what i would point to in order to explain why America has fallen from its pedestal in the eyes of the World. It is also the exact three reasons that saw Tony Blair fall from grace and airbrushed out of history by his own political party.
Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, extraordinary rendition flights and supporting Israel unquestioningly have done damage to America's reputation but the wheel will turn and and things will change.
Another Administration with other policies will help to restore America as a place to be applauded and not heckled which will unfortunately continue until George Bush's time is up and he finally turns out the light on his stint as President.


  1. Let's hope. A lot rides on this next election. Let's hope that most of the country will be too smart to go for one of the status quo candidates.

  2. It is a really important election on so many different levels i just hope that we can get to it without further conflict but i do get the feeling Bush wants to sort out Iran before he goes. Hope i am wrong.

  3. A new President will make no difference whatsoever! The whole culture of the country has to be changed: its extreme nationalism, its capitalism-worshiping, its religious fundamentalism, its strong imperial tendencies, its political corruption, its racial discrimination, its love of violence, etc.

    Until these things change it doesn't matter a damn who's in the White House!

  4. Well, at least we know where you stand Daniel.

    Lucy, Presidents come and go (term limits, elections, etc). The war in Iraq, I feel , is closer to an end than a beginning, but Israel will always have U.S support. I really don't see that changing much in the near future. The shame about it is it seems to me that Israel is an either/or proposition. America either sides with Israel, or against it. There are too many people in the world that want to wipe Israel off the map, and Israel will do everything in it's power to continue to exist. I really don't see a solution. I don't think Israel will cease to be, and I don't see the other side accepting it's existence. I wish I knew why Europe seems more hostile towards Israel than we do, and I'm sure Europeans wonder why we support them so much. Some problems have no solution.

  5. Prediction: it's Hillary's to lose. She's the best we can hope for at this point, because it'll be either her or a Republican.

  6. Stephen: Don't you think Hillary is a bit of a 'DINO' though?

    Anyway, as regards the issue of anti-Americanism, I think there will always be a certain number of people who will always be predisposed to think of the worst of the United States (or whoever 'the big boy on the block' happens to be at any given time). And, if you take this position, and then look for evidence to support your argument, you will always find it. In spades. The US has done some great, great things in the world, and some stupid/evil things, even pre-Bush.

    This sort of person doesn't help the debate, in my opinion.

    And nor does the sort of person who will jump on someone with that 'anti-American' term in response to any sort of criticism of the US government. I've been called it several times myself. Only by ignorant dickheads, obviously, but that's what these people are.

    However, I'm heartened by the memory of only a decade or so ago, when the very popular Bill Clinton was in charge (as a rule, I reckon Europeans don't really care who sucked what and when - nobody died over it).... Back then we never used to discuss the pervasiveness and effects of 'anti-Americanism'. It simply wasn't a major issue for the most of us.

    Conclusion: It's this current bunch of ideologues and extremists. They really are that shit.

  7. Democrat In Name Only. (And there are 'RINOs' too).

    The archetype DINO (before he went independent) was Joe Lieberman. I'm not saying Hillary's in bed with baddies to that extent but, from what I've heard so far, you could hardly call her progressive or liberal.

  8. I never said I like Hillary, only that I would prefer her over any of the Republicans who might win.

  9. "from what I've heard so far, you could hardly call her progressive or liberal."

    Depends on who you hear talking. She an absolute socialist to some. (Of course, those folks are Nazis anyway :-) )

  10. Daniel, a new president will bring different things to the table. There was no such talk when Clinton was President or if there was it was far from a majority view. The problems seemed to of upped a level with this regime and hopefully they will go away again with them.

    Cody, i don't know why Europeans and Americans view Israel and Palestine so differently. Maybe things are spun a different way here and there.

    Admittedly i have not looked too far into what each candidate stands for but from what i have heard so far, Hillary seems to be the only one saying and doing the right things at the moment although there is plenty of time for that to change of course. I also think having an ex-president who has been there and done it all before as first gentleman(?) would be a great boost for all concerned.

  11. Lucy, it is the American political system which is corrupt, which is deeply flawed. That must be changed before any meaningful result will be achieved! Cheers.

  12. Still no specific suggestions though, eh? Or even slightly vague ones?

  13. You want me to write your new Constitution, Joe, is that it? Aren't Americans capable of doing it?

  14. Oh, well, I figured you wouldn't TRUST us to do it again, as we messed it up so much the first time by your estimation. But to answer your question, which is more than you've done for Cody or myself, is no, I do not want you to write our Constitution. You've shown that you have bluster aplenty, but nothing of substance to back it up with. I'll settle for the Constitution that we have and a relaxing of S.S. protocols so that it's easier to assassinate the NEXT sonofabitch if he gets out of line.

    (Just kidding, SS!)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I think most political systems have their flaws. Here in the UK the fact that we still elect governments with an archaic and ridiculously unfair 'first-past-the-post' electoral system absolutely staggers me.

    I guess that a two-party state is better than a one-party state but, when they're really close together in terms of policy, as they most certainly are, not by all that much.

  17. I don't think the perfect political system has yet been devised. I have been pushing the Socialist thing for years but it is far from the perfect system of Government. The answer will probably come with a bit of one and a bit of another liberally sprinkled with something else.
    Any political system can be corrupted or twisted so the secret seems to be electing leaders who will stay true to the system and to which end i am very hopeful for what is happening in South America at this time.

  18. "i am very hopeful for what is happening in South America at this time."

    I don't think so Lucy. The economy especially in the Oil sector is slowing down dramatically, one of the reasons is the exedous of seasoned Oil workers, and "experts" in various other fields. The situation down there is starting to resemble the world in Ayn Rand's classic. Atlas Shrugged. The productive achievers are heading for greener pastures. IMHO people don't work for the benefit of others, they work for themselves, as Rand called it, their "rational self-interest" Ignoring this fact, while pleasant, doesn't change reality. Any system has to take into effect Human nature.

    On another note, would you be interested in doing a concurrent blog post with me about why the Israel/Palestine issue is seen as so different here as it is in Europe? E-mail me from my profile if you like.

  19. Great idea Cody, i will email you and see just what you have in mind.
