FOAB Information

Friday 26 October 2007

Shame On You Mr Brown

The journey is underway down George Bush's well worn path to yet another war as the US President ups the stakes in the brewing conflict with Iran.
Bypassing the United Nations once again, the US administration have taken it upon themselves to impose further sanctions on Iran for its nuclear program and the first leader to come out in support of the policy is our very own Gordon Brown.
Fantastically oblivious to the two wars still raging that we began while he was standing behind Tony Blair, Brown is happy to drag us back onto centre stage and position us firmly in-line to wage war with Iran in the near future.
The main aggressors of US, Israel and UK, claim that Iran's nuclear program is a cover for the development of an atomic bomb. Iran insists it only wants to produce electricity. The United Nations' nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, says it has found no evidence to support the trio's allegations.
Of course we have been here before with trumped-up fears (mushroom clouds over American cities, 45 minutes away from a chemical attack) and frauds (WMD's, yellowcake) to get our backing for attacking Iraq.
The amount of caveats and innuendoes in George Bush's speech this week are proof enough that he knows that the provocative accusations are built on very shaky ground.
"Our intelligence community assess that Iran could develop an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the United States and all of Europe before 2015 if it chooses to do so, and the international community does not take steps to prevent it, it is possible Iran could have this capability. And we need to take it seriously now."
Maybe such terms as "could develop", "if it chooses", "it is possible" in one sentence is enough to get our Prime Minister dashing to stand beside George Bush and replace Tony Blair as the Presidents poodle, but as the saying goes, 'fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.'
So shame on all of us if we allow him to do it again with Iran. Meet the New Prime Minister, exactly the same as the old Prime Minister and just as willing to spin us into another devastating war based not on the facts of the IAEA but on the could's and possiblies of the same people who lied and cheated to turn Iraq into the horror show we see today.



  1. I had hoped Brown would be wiser than Blair. So much for that. I'd thank you and your country for your support, except that I myself do not support the "mission." Never have and never will.

  2. We all hoped that Brown would have learnt from Blairs mistakes but obviously he hasn't and he is making the exact same moves. What is it about your Presidents derriere that makes our Prime Ministers so unable to resist?

  3. Lucy, unfortunately you can count me as one person who is scared to death of a nuclear Iran, and I don't believe for a second that they don't want the bomb, or wouldn't use it in a heartbeat if they had it. I'm not calling for a full scale invasion, but, I don't think sitting on our collective hands and doing nothing will be the answer either. I wish I knew the answer.

  4. We've seen diplomacy work with Iran before, Cody. Frankly, Iran doesn't scare me as much as the people who say that the only answer is to jump into war without attempting diplomacy at all. We've heard this all before, and this just sounds too damn familiar.

  5. A nuclear armed anybody scares me to death cody but not as much as fabricating evidence to justify invading another country.
    The IAEA have been there and looked around and say they have no evidence of Iran building nuclear weapons but we are expected to just ignore the people who have seen things with their own eyes and believe the same people who said Iraq were full of nukes and WMD's?
    This is the exact same dance as last time.

  6. Same dance, with (mainly) the same dancers. Who, as we know, are proven liars and warmongers. Where's the new John Wilkes Booth now that we need him?
