FOAB Information

Tuesday 2 October 2007

UK Election Fever

In the red corner a one eyed Scotsman, in the blue corner a posh Etonian whose hair seems to be carved out of wood.
Yes, Election fever is back! But don't mistake the exclamation marks for excitement because ahead of us, if the rumours of a snap November election turn out to be true, there will be soul-sapping speeches on fiscal policy, irrational Tory backbenchers whinges and the Liberal Parties hopes drooping like the male of the species after one too many Bacardi breezers.
Gordon Brown is apparently mulling over calling an Autumn election to capatilise on his parties lead over the Conservatives and desperately hoping that nobody remembers not only is he not English, but he sat at Tony Blair's right hand as he took us all down the gurgler.
His opponent, David Cameron, is your archetypal posh bloke who sees himself so far above the rest of us that we wouldn't be far enough under him even if we all moved to New Zealand.
The third option, the Liberal Democrats, may as well pack up and go home now and watch it on TV.
So it doesn't matter who wins really, Brown is Blair with one less eye, Cameron is instantly punchable and Campbell has as much chance of becoming Prime Minister as he has of waking up tomorrow with a full head of hair.
Tony Blair was well known for picking his favourite songs as themes for his election campaigns so if i may be so bold, may i make the suggestion of 'Creep' by Radiohead for Mr Brown.
The chorus "I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo, What the hell am I doing here?, I don't belong here" is perfect.

1 comment:

  1. There's something so familiar about this scenario...
