FOAB Information

Sunday 11 November 2007

Another Lie Falls Over

Remember those Iranians the US army arrested a while back whom U.S. officials accused of being members of Iran's elite Quds Force, therefore proving that Iran was funding, training and arming extremists fighting American forces in Iraq?
The cheerleaders for war made quite a noise about it at the time and rebuffed Iranian statements about them being merely diplomats.
Really stoked up tensions between Iran and the West those arrests as i recall.
The news now reaches us that they have been released because as the statement said "They no longer pose a security risk and to be of no continued intelligence value."
So were they actually members of the Quds Force helping to kill our troops who have seen the error of their ways and have been released after a short spell in a US run detention centre or has someone been telling us yet more lies to rack up the call for military action against Iran?


  1. The fact that they've been released undoubtedly suggests the latter. However, I'd be staggered if Iran wasn't funding/arming/otherwise assisting the Shias in Iraq, the same way that any other country would try to help their natural allies in a neighbouring state if a country that has publically declared you part of an 'axis of evil' invaded and occupied the place based on a false pretext.

  2. The Cheese brings up a good point. There is pretty much no way Iran isn't helping the insurgency in Iraq - the only question is to what extent.

    However, that doesn't mean the US government is above lying or grandstanding or pure propaganda to help support their war. I liken it to the whole OJ thing. That guy was guilty, but I am convinced the LAPD did fabricate some evidence against him, because they were worried that he wouldn't be convicted because of celebrity.

    Much like the LAPD, the US government is basically incapable of framing a guilty man.

    Ook ook
