FOAB Information

Friday 21 December 2007

Bye Rudy, Hello Mike

With supporters distancing themselves quicker than his hairline from his eyebrows, Rudy Giuliani has been removed as the US publics favourite Republican and has been replaced by Mike Huckabee.
With his colourful background which included hilariously marrying his own cousin, Giuliani was a God send for anyone wanting to mock the right wing of America but the fickle finger of fate has decreed that Rudy is not going to be plonking his hair restorer in the White House bathroom cabinet.
Instead, and showing a penchant for the magnificently foreheaded, it has decided that Mike Huckabee become the right wing's choice for getting resoundingly beaten by Hilary or Obama instead.
With such a rich source of childish humour now out of the running, us lefties have had to hit the internet to find out about this Huckabee chap. Turns out that the Arkansas Governor has got himself quite a checkered background himself.
Dodgy use of a personal expense account, Ethics Commission appearances, banning evolution from the classrooms, anti-gay comments and freeing rapist who go on to re-offend.
Reaching out for the female vote may be a problem with the revelation that he signed his support to a church statement that read "A wife is to submit graciously to the servant leadership of her husband."
As expected from an American conservative, Huckabee puts his recent success down to divine intervention with the big guy upstairs lending his support to the campaign. The same big guy i guess that the present incumbent has chats with. Usually about how he is the most unpopular President ever.
The hapless Giuliani may be gone but his replacement seems to be of an equal calibre.


  1. Chain of fools...
    Huckabee has the deer-in-the- headlights-look DOWN. And the churchy folk seem quite taken with him.

  2. Long way to Nov. of 08 Lucy, a long way indeed.

  3. Huckabee is seriously scary, way worse than Guiliani, IMO. I don't like this at all.

  4. I know Cody but our election build up is 10 weeks and very little changes, yours is really, really long and things are constantly changing.
    I had no idea who this Huckabee was until recently and i agree miz uv, he does sound a bit scary.
    He does look a little like a comedy actor we have over here though, Robert Lindsey.

  5. You're right. He does!

    "Freedom for Tooting!" :)

  6. "A wife is to submit graciously to the servant leadership of her husband."

    Many Christian women will actually have no problem with this, because of the oft-unreported other side of the coin. While I have many problems with religions in general, there is more truth to this statement.

    Traditional Christianity does have the above quoted stipulation, but it is not one-sided. The husband is not then endorsed to be a tyrant. He is likewise required to be faithful, to put the needs of wife and family above his own, to protect them, and to provide food and shelter for them. Not always an easy task, even in modern days. Imagine what it was like 1000 years ago.

    That goes to taking care of a household, as well. People say it's a full time job NOW?? Try it before modern appliances, before plumbing, before furnaces. Dictates such as the one for husbands and wives made everyone aware of their duties to the others in the household. In this day of the no-fault divorce, which happens almost as soon as the afterglow of the honeymoon sex wears off, that knowledge is noticeably lacking all around.

    This is in no way to defend Schmuckabee, or Christianity, really. I just want to show that what we call "outdated thinking" often had reasonable roots, and isn't always as unreasonable as it may be presented as in modern times. I hate it when Christians make their points by omitting facts (as they did in the stem cell research debate) and it's no better when it's done to TO them, I reckon.

  7. Huckabee - the religious right comes home to roost in the Republican's decades-long exploitation of them as a voter base. Fear not, globalists! As Cody says (it is what it is, right?) it's a long time to go.

    Prediction (make mental note): The sleeping Thompson campaign will wake with a start in South Carolina and it's all downhill from there.
