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Sunday 13 January 2008

The Big 300

This is my 300th post and almost exactly a year from my first post here, somewhat confusingly titled 'Goodbye'.
As some sort of Community Service, i would like to pass on some advice to newbie bloggers who may have accidentally stumbled across my piece of the web while looking for up skirt pictures of Britney Spears or on the hunt for an English blogger to harangue because your country is better than ours.

The basic things to understand before you start is that:

You will get sworn at.
You will get accused of being a bigot/racist/sexist/ignorant or antisemitic. Sometimes all at once.
You will consider giving it all up and going back to watching repeats of Dukes of Hazard in the evening instead.
You will spend far longer than you anticipated posting, commenting and fending off accusations of being sexist.
You will understand that your sense of humour sometimes does not transcend International boundaries.
You will not get rich.
You will not be discovered by The Times and be offered a weekly column for thousands of pounds.
You will find other bloggers who make you wonder how many times they were dropped on their head as a child.
You will get spambots trying to drag you off to some scam website.
You will find you have periods when you have absolutely nothing to post about, or feel in the mood to post anything.

If you can handle all that, then good luck. If you are the sort of person to sulk if anybody disagrees with you then you really would be better off on the sofa with Bo, Luke, Boss Hogg and Uncle Jesse.
Most of all, be honest, don't give out personal information and don't take it too seriously.


  1. You will not be discovered by The Times and be offered a weekly column for thousands of pounds.

    What?!?! Well, I'll still get the book deal, right?

    Good advice, Lucy. And happy 300th!

  2. Good advice Lucy, happy 300th post!
    You need a very thick hide to post on political issues, especially if you are a woman.

  3. excellent instruction, lucy.
    in may i will have spent 3 years doing this. the reason i started is the same reason i continue. it's an outlet for the outrage.
    i loved your advice. so many odd intricacies exist online that one could never have imagined. opinions are too rarely respected. how on earth can we all see situations in the same way? it's been quite a rude awakening, realizing that assholes here mirror assholes in real time. they're everywhere.

    another tired cliche fits...agree to disagree...then carry on. or not.

  4. Happy 300th, Lucy, and you definitely gave some good advice there. I particularly like the 'don't take it too seriously' one - and accordingly, I enjoy the generally light-hearted (or at least not precious) outlook here at Falling on a Bruise...

    I always have to laugh at the "my opinion really matters" tone of certain other bloggers around the traps. Shucks... I mean, my own opinion matters - a bit - to me, but I don't expect it to rattle anyone else's cage. Be good if more people could see that they ain't all dat.

  5. I was quite shocked i had made 299 posts, didn't think i was anywhere near that many.
    I think that as long as you don't take it too serious and you accept that people have different views, blogging can be fun. It seems when you take it too seriously, it all can get a bit unpleasant.

  6. Well done, Lucy! May the next 300 contain large doses of your delightful sense of humour.

    If you don't think your opinions will rattle any cages, Cheezy, why bother to write them?

  7. Happy 300th Lucy, I hope there are many more.

  8. "If you don't think your opinions will rattle any cages, Cheezy, why bother to write them?"

    I mainly blog to get things out of my system, provide a little 'record' of what I've been up to (bit like a diary), and to free up my mind for the other writing that I do. 'Ol Blogovia' has also proven to be a good place to meet some nice people too.
