FOAB Information

Friday 4 January 2008

The Land Of Our Dozy Policemen

The life of a policeman in the cities of England isn't always easy what with the traffic, drunken teenagers and angry Islamists trying to kill us while we sleep (copyright Murdoch Press) so it is sometimes nice to leave behind the sweaty and harassed lawman of England and get some perspective from the beautiful hills and fields of an altogether more relaxed part of Britain.
Somewhere like Wales with its rolling hillsides, peaceful dales and the strained bleating of sheep emanating from beside red faced farmers.
A beautiful scene and not one bird brained dolt of a Chief Constable opening his mouth and uttering something so stupid you could almost believe his brain had been replaced by a turnip to ruin it.
Oops, my mistake, here comes one now.
"Ecstasy is safer than Aspirin" according to North Wales Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom "There is a lot of scaremongering, rumourmongering around ecstasy that isn’t borne out by the evidence. It is actually a remarkably safe substance"
That would be the evidence from the National Drugs Prevention Alliance then who pointed out to the loon that almost 500 people have died through taking ecstasy since the mid 1990's.
Maybe Mr Brunstrom should relocate to a place where his grip on reality is more attuned. I am sure Tinky Winky would let him sleep on the sofa.


  1. Well, I'm not sure how dangerous aspirin*(!!!) is, but the statistic I've heard is that, in the UK, there are 7 deaths per million ecstacy users, as compared to (to take a 'random' example!) over 600 deaths per million alcohol users.

    Clearly ecstacy isn't totally harmless (and prolonged regular use can definitely has a detrimental effect on memory/mood), but I think the issue needs a bit of perspective too.

    I also believe that, just as heroin itself isn't the thing that kills users of that drug (rather, it's the impurities - e.g. kaolin - that you get with it), with ecstacy it would be the shitty pills with not much or any MDMA, and a lot of other crap in them (e.g. PMA, ketamine, other sedatives) that would be the damaging ones.

    * Doesn't aspirin thin the blood? Isn't that a good thing?

  2. I would guess that if you take too much Aspirin in one go it could have a pretty fatal effect but you just don't expect to hear a cop calling something that kills on average 50 people a year 'safe', he should have a bit more savvy about him.
    He would of been on less shakey ground calling it safer than cigarettes or alcohol or lots of other things because you just know he is going to get it in the neck from parents of kids who have died from taking ecstasy.
