FOAB Information

Wednesday 9 January 2008

Pick Up The Pace Canada

With the upcoming seal cull in Canada, it is time again to wag a finger and scowl at the country that has one of the best images in the World when they are not hacking seal pups to death and pretending it isn't for the fur.
This year i planned to boycott all things Canadian in protest but apart from Bryan Adams, nothing immediately came to mind to give a wide berth to. A quick whirl through the Internet and my worst fears are confirmed, Canada exports next to nothing to us and is just the North American equivalent of Belgium with a better flag.
I even asked my Canadian colleague what, apart from Canadian teachers with terrible dress sense, does his country export to us and he scratched his head, mumbled something about Bryan Adams and faked a coughing fit.
According to UK Trade & Investment website, the UK is Canada's primary European trading partner but nobody i have asked can remember seeing anything stamped with 'made, built, product of, grown or manufactured in Canada'.
So just what is going on in Canada? You are a big country with a lot of snow, Mounties and apparently you say "eh" after every sentence but have you got nothing us Brits want?
Granted you have produced some fine comedians, actors and singers but come on Canada, unless there is a large secret market that we are all unaware of flourishing here, Britain seems very much a Canada free zone.
You need to pick up the pace because i can't just not buy Bryan Adams, Shania Twain or Avril Lavigne CD's in protest of your seal killing ventures because that would mean i would have been boycotting Canada forever.


  1. I've been thinking as a Canadian of some witty retort to this post. I've got nothing.

  2. Surely there can't be anything wrong with Canada if it's a place in which you can buy your first real six-string down at the five and dime and play it until your fingers bleed?
