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Saturday 2 February 2008

John McCain In A Nutshell

What with all the attention being on the black guy and the female running for the Democrat nomination, John McCain has managed to drag himself above his Republican rivals as the person most likely to face off with whoever the Dems finally choose to run for office.
So what if the impossible happens, remember Bush in 2004 so it could, and it isn't a Clinton or Obama derriere plonking itself down in the Oval office. Time to look at what we can expect from a McCain Presidency just in case.
Much like John Kerry last time out, his greatest selling point seems to be his Vietnam war record where he was shot down and held as a PoW for more than five years.
Half a decade of torture and beatings led to him cracking and signing an anti-American confession. "Every man has his breaking point," he later recalled, "I had reached mine."
On the campaign trail he is quoted saying of Guantanemo Bay that the use of torture on Al-Qaeda terror suspects "is not the American way." That is a good start but it gets better.
Not only has he gone on record to show his displeasure with his President, he also seriously considered swapping parties and becoming a Democrat. He has also been a leading proponent of action against climate change and has spoken out against evangelical Christians.
After that, his beliefs take a big swing to the right. He is vehemently anti-abortion, is against tightening up gun laws, has a neo-con belief in using the might of the military and is very much for the death penalty.
So that is McCain in a nutshell. Environmentalist, against the use of torture but anti-abortion and would have no qualms in sending the military on yet more global adventures.


  1. "would have no qualms in sending the military on yet more global adventures."

    I feel comfortable in saying that I believe McCain would be the type of president that would be very judicious in his use of the military. Not that he is a pacifist by any means, but I think his experience would speak to not using the military for adventuring as some other presidents have. Just my opinion.

  2. John McCain speaking on “Face the Nation” on January 6, 2008:

    We got to get Americans off the front line, have the Iraqis as part of this strategy take over more and more of the responsibilities and then I don't think Americans are concerned if we're there for 100 years or 1,000 years or 10,000 years. What they care about is the sacrifice of our most precious treasure, and that's American blood. So what I'm saying is, look, if Americans are there in a support role but they're not taking casualties, that's fine.

    Oh btw, I'm an American. I want Americans to stop dying. And I want Iraqis to stop dying. And I want the billions of dollars funding this directed elsewhere. None of that is “fine”.

  3. I agree with Cody. I don't see McCain as one who will initiate war. And while I do not align with him on our future in Iraq, he's the only repub of the bunch I think could help steer our country in a positive direction once again.

  4. he won't win. there are countless FORMER republicans voting this year.
    not to mention many new independents and decline-to-state's. things are going to get very interesting, here in the state of my birth.

  5. With the Democrats, it seems to me to be a clear choice between who is the least awful. Given there are 300 million people in the States, how come it has come to this?

    After Bush, if a Republican gets in again then the world is truly lost!


  6. I pieced together his stand on things from various websites and newspapers and what seemed to have stuck in my mind, and him singing "Bomb Bomb Iran" to the tune of Barbara ann when asked how he would deal with Iran.

    Here is a piece which seems to point to him having very few qualms about using the US military.

    I was hoping as you say Jefe, that a man with his military record wouldn't be so gung-ho when it came to war.

  7. "a clear choice between who is the least awful."

    What's that based on, Daniel? As much as I might think McCain is the only Republican candidate who wouldn't disgust me, I believe both of the Dem candidates possess the ability to affect real change in this country.

  8. I think it's fair to say he's not in with the neocon crowd. I 'm pretty sure he wouldn't be stupid enough to bomb Iran. That said, he clearly does believe in using military means "to spread freedom and democracy."

    I'm pretty sure the Dems will win the White House, but if Romney wins, it will be a certainty, while if McCain wins there will be some room for doubt.

  9. With the CA primary in two days, I can't help but think that I'd like there to be a real contest of ideas, and that would be Huckabee vs. (whomever the Democrats choose).

    Then, and only then, can we get a real repudiation of the direction this country has taken in the last two decades.

  10. Unfortunately, McCain's "Bomb Iran" 'mistake' was hardly an isolated incident. Although he hasn't run a concertedly racist campaign like Ghouliani did, McCain does have a history of saying strange, snide, and factually incorrect things about Muslims.


    'Recently, McCain proclaimed, “I’m not interested in trading with al-Qaida. All they want to trade is burqas… ” The senator seemed to be relating the Muslim custom of veiling to terrorism. The Detroit Free Press, whose city has one of the largest Muslim populations, reported on Jan. 12 that McCain’s remarks were hurtful to American Muslims. “Local Muslims say that criticizing al-Qaida is legitimate, but wonder why he would make a snide remark about a dress?

    On another occasion, asked whether a Muslim candidate for president would be acceptable, McCain replied, “I just have to say in all candor that since this nation was founded primarily on Christian principles … personally, I prefer someone who I know who has a solid grounding in my faith. But that doesn’t mean that I’m sure that someone who is Muslim would not make a good president. I don’t say that we would rule out under any circumstances someone of a different faith. I just would — I just feel that that’s an important part of our qualifications to lead.”

    But according to Article IV of the U.S. Constitution, “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” Secularists and Jews joined American Muslims in condemning McCain’s assertion that the United States was founded on Christian principles, and that Christian faith could be a key determinate for taking the Oval Office.

    McCain’s misconceptions about Muslims and perceived hostility toward them predates his 2008 presidential campaign. In 2005, he said on “The Charlie Rose Show” that a Muslim had killed the Indian political and spiritual figure Mahatma Gandhi. In fact, the assassin belonged to a radical Hindu organization, the RSS.'

    If McCain doesn't want to be accused of being a racist, I'd advise him to stop talking like one.

  11. McCain scares me. Call me an ageist if you want, but there it is. It'll be more important than usual whom he chooses for Veep.

  12. The more i hear about him the less i like him. Apparently he is the moderate Republican candidate who is disliked by some other Republicans for not being right wing enough!

  13. Apparently he is the moderate Republican candidate who is disliked by some other Republicans for not being right wing enough!

    Just like the leader of our opposition in NZ!

    It really exposes who the radicals are though, which is a good thing.

  14. He isn't conservative enough for the Repubs.. which in and of itself is scary.

    I decided to check out his website and clicked off as soon as I read his stance on abortion and 'the protection of marriage'.
    I'm not gay and I've never had an abortion but stay the hell out of my personal business.

    I figure if someone is right wing on those issues then the rest is just as messed up.

    However, I do think of all republicas he has the best stance on immigration.

    I think it says an awful lot about the state of the people in our contry when Mitt Romney,an animal abuser who has no regrets, and will blanket the country deporting immigrants, is winning states/votes. It makes me sick.

  15. I think McCain, Clinton, and Obama are the same. Neither Dem would take us out of Iraq, and in fact have voted to keep us in that mess (either with a "yes" vote or a "no" vote after all the chips have fallen). And none of them are in favor of gays marrying.

    However, I think (and I'm a die-hard liberal here) that McCain would be 100% better than Clinton. That woman scares me more than some half-assed Repub (which is what McCain is). She doesn't give a flying monkey's ass about the state of the country- whether it's health care or the "war". She will go whichever way the money takes her. It's disgusting.

    If it comes down to her or McCain I'm either writing in Kucinich or voting McCain. No lie. (And the idiots from DailyKos- no relation to Jefe- can kiss my ass.)

  16. oh boy..

    I don't want another Republican in office.

  17. And speaking of money...

  18. I'm sorry, I'll stop clogging your blog comments but I want to point out that the TOP reciepients of AT&T's contributions (you know, the company that is working with our president to wire tap our phones) ...1. Bush. 2. McCain 19. H. Clinton

    I think they allllll like the money.

    The only guy willing to get rid of lobbyists is gone.

  19. I am also confused by your comment Jenny, would you really rather an republican whose ideology you oppose got in than a democrat you didn't like? Does seem a bit cutting off your nose to spite your face.

    That is the problem with having a system that relies on donations raejane, we have the exact same thing here. Controversial maybe, but i would prefer to see our political campaigns paid out of public funds so nobody can be accused of scratching anyones back and being in debt to big business.

  20. From what I can see, in terms of 'ideology', I think it would be very difficult to slide a cigarette paper in-between McCain and Hillary. And if this is the case then I guess you're deciding more on character than policy.

  21. Cheezy, your comment makes me think about the old saying "Life is all about your vantage point". From my vantage (obviously to the right of you and the lovely Lucy), I see an immense difference between McCain and Clinton, granted I see a larger difference between McCain and Obama as well. And to all who care to cross over to the dark side to vote for John McCain, we're happy to have you.

  22. "(obviously to the right of you and the lovely Lucy)"

    Hey, I'm lovely too! ;)

    Point definitely taken though. There was certainly a high level of subjectivity in what I said.

  23. Lucy,
    The Green Party, which is what my husband is running under for County Board, does not accept corporate contribution.

    I think all political parties should take that stance.. how are we to know that these politicians are voting for the good of the people or for the good of their wallet?

    I find it horribly disturbing that the main contributors to Republicans are heath insurance companies, oil companies and telephone companies.

  24. After two weeks of reading the lefty Guardian Cody, you are still to the right of me and (the lovely) Cheezy?

    I fail to see why else big business would hand over millions of dollars unless they know that the person they helped get into office will look kindly upon them once they are in the big chair. Or maybe we are just being a tad cynical raejane.
