FOAB Information

Friday 7 March 2008

Plenty Of Others To Abuse

That some of our military are being told not to wear their uniforms when they are out of barracks because of suffering abuse from members of the public is outrageous. Especially as there are perfectly good lawyers and Inland Revenue staff milling about who should be first in line for the suffering abuse in the street stakes.
Not that i have ever swore or spat on anybody whilst going about my business but my saliva glands certainly start twitching when confronted by some of the professional members of our society.
The aforementioned lawyers and Revenue staff head my list of people to 'accidentally' aim my car at but plumbers and the Charity collectors who come up to you all bouncy and smiley and physically try and stop you walking past them should also be classed as fair game for a mouthful of verbals.
Grumpy shop staff, businessmen who talk loudly about their latest deal into their mobile phones and garage mechanics who make that sucking sound through their teeth while shaking their head could also warrant a short burst of vitriol every now and then.
And let's not forget about traffic wardens, humourless policemen and...Oh sod it, all that thinking of people that tick me off has made me too angry to continue now.
Where's that phone number for my lawyer, i got some spleen that needs venting.


  1. Don't forget the mommies driving SUV's who do not know how to back out of parking spaces ARGH!!!

  2. Yes - the military are only doing their job I suppose. It's not like it is conscription or anything.

    Especially as there are perfectly good lawyers and Inland Revenue staff milling about who should be first in line for the suffering abuse in the street stakes.

    Ha - I'll say! And SUV owners - agree with that.

    Anti-war people make themselves look stupid in this way.

  3. It does amuse me that the military are expected to deal with heavily armed insurgents doing their best to try and kill them but they can't handle some old lady wagging her finger at them while she pops out to buy a lettuce.

  4. I'm getting all nostalgic and misty-eyed for the days when it was conscientious objectors who'd be in danger of getting the crap kicked out of them, not squaddies.

    Still, I guess this is the price of being the aggressor in a war.
