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Friday 18 July 2008

The End Almost In Sight

Much to my surprise, this is my 450th blog post. I never realised i had written that many in the 18 months or so i had been here and if you add in the 200 odd i wrote on my first blog, i have been sticking my two penneth worth in on quite a few things over the last few years.
I did plan to hand over this blog a while back but the person who was due to take over changed his mind and so i stuck with it rather than just let it die. Now as i close in on 500 posts i am thinking that would be the perfect time to stand down.
There is always something happening in the World and always something for a current affairs blog like this to get worked up about but i am increasingly finding myself unable to do credit to the blog by writing proper pieces, falling into the habit of dashing out a quick post and whizzing around my Google reader, bookmarked blogs and emails at the end of the evening.
The blog has done quite well and the occasional post has featured on some pretty tasty media sites so rather than just shut up shop, pick up my ball and go home, i hope to have an excellent replacement lined up for when i hit that 500 mark. More on that nearer the time but for now i have 49 posts left to push my annoyingly hippy agenda out there on the internet.


  1. say it ain't so! but i understand.
    your hippy agenda will surely be missed by this hippy.

  2. I hope you don't go - this is one of the most interesting blogs I read. One of the main reasons is you write your own stuff (which takes time) where people like me usually just link out of laziness.

  3. But you're such a dreadfully pleasant hippie!

    You've got a damned fine blog. It is one of the best around.

  4. (deep sad sigh!)

    Ah well, if it's to be, then I look forward to the next 49 posts even more eagerly than usual!

  5. Lucy,

    It does take a surprising amount of energy and motivation to keep a blog alive. you deserve a break.


    PS - I'm sure you will continue to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable...

  6. Thanks guys, i do enjoy blogging and have no real reason to stop apart from it all seeming a mad dash now to do all the things that goes with running a blog and it just seems i am only doing it half heartedly and if there is someone who can devote the effort to move the blog on, i will step aside for them.

  7. I did notice that you haven't been around as much. Ah well, if it's no longer fun or if you have better things to do, then it makes sense to let blogging go. I'll miss you, even if you do find a good replacement.

    Miss you, Cheezy!

  8. I don't always agree with you lucy, hardly ever actually but i do enjoy reading your refreshing and original style of writing. Your blog stands out from most because we never know what you are going to write about next, you mix it up so well so never to be predictable. If you do quit i hope that you find another outlet for your talent. Would be a shame to lose you altogether.


  9. Aw shucks, thanks Paula :)

    Occasionally I miss me too!

  10. Thanks Jak and thanks for the having the courage to admit that you don't often agree with me and therefore admitting that you are very often wrong. You know i'm only kidding. You are pretty much always wrong!
