FOAB Information

Saturday 30 August 2008

Republicans Palin Gamble

At first glance it could be a case of hats off to the McCain Campaign in their appointment of Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential candidate. Not only is she very youthful but also very photogenic which will guarantee her, and therefore the Republican Party, plenty of airtime and column inches. Another draw over Obama which they think will have an impact, is the claim to the large percentage of disaffected Hillary Clinton vote who have stubbornly refused to back the Democrat nomination.
That's at first glance, on closer inspection it seems that the Republicans have undermined McCain's strongest point of attack on Obama, his lack of experience. She has been in Office less than two years and is already under investigation for abusing her position over the sacking of a Public Safety Commissioner who was reluctant to sack her former brother-in -law involved in an acrimonious divorce with her younger sister.
That episode is seeing her backtracking and contradicting herself and is sure to come under the microscope as is her links with the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation and the Oil Industry where her husband presently works for BP as well as possible ties to longtime Alaska Republican senator Ted Stevens, who is under indictment on corruption charges.
The Democrats should also raise questions about whether the inexperienced Palin passes the "commander-in-chief test" which is would she be able to assume the presidency should McCain, 72, become incapacitated.
Interesting choice by the Republicans which could either work to their advantage by attracting the PUMA's (although referring to Hillary as a whiner may work against her) and making them more media friendly or could easily expose them to a new angle of attack as picking a female candidate and forsaking more experienced choices in order to cynically pander to the Hillary voters.
If the Democrats play this right, Sarah Palin could soon be left helplessly twisting in the wind as the Obama Team attack the flank that McCain has surprisingly exposed to them.


  1. McCain's choice (and eight years of Bush) illustrates clearly just how ridiculous the whole American political system is - and how dangerous.

    Americans, in the main, seem to live in a make-believe world, one created by a Hollywood script writer high on drugs.

    White Americans, collectively, see themselves as some kind of superior master race. They suffer from the same misplaced delusions that the Germans did and they will surely suffer the same fate.

  2. As I said to UV - this woman is really hardline conservative. Bush is starting to look a bit better.

    Suppose it could work in his favour - but can you imagine her stepping up to the plate if McCain keels over?

  3. "...her links with the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation and the Oil Industry..."

    "Palin supported and signed into law a $1.5 billion tax increase on oil companies in the form of higher severance taxes."

  4. David g.,

    R A C I S T

    1. Your statements about white americans is RACIST!
    2. The american political system is working just how it was designed to work, and that is good. When the country is divided the built-in-conflict in the constitution stops major change - as designed.
    3. we aren't living in some bullshit hollywood script. We are working our assess off in a bad economy. You're the one living in a dreamworld - and it is a negative one at that.

    America isn't a land of haves and have-nots, we are a land of haves and have-lots. And, poverty in the U.S. includes a home and plenty of food, but everybody is working their asses off here to keep what they have.


  5. Q, don't bother, Daniel/David has been pissed at America since his wife ran off with Allen Iverson after the 2004 Olympics in Sydney, and he only scored a Bronze.

  6. David - I don't agree with any of your comment.

    Ruth - When you consider his age and his previous health issues, his conking out in power is an issue.

    effay - After Bush, are people wary of having people in power with links to the Oil Industry? It was the first thing read out from the viewers emails on Sky TV News.

  7. The Democrats should also raise questions about whether the inexperienced Palin passes the "commander-in-chief test"

    Hey is there some kind of Kobayashi Maru we could try out on her? If so, I'm in!

  8. America is a land of haves and havelots. Really! Not according to the pictures I constantly see on CNN. Not according the number of people who have no health care or little or no education.

    My comment about 'white Americans' is racist. Really! One survey done recently showed that 80% of white Americans harbored negative thoughts about black Americans.

    The American political system is working just as it should. Really. How then do you explain the election of that intellectual giant, George Bush? How then do you explain the fear that many Americans have about the increasing control over their Government by Big Business and the Jewish lobby and the increasing loss of their democratic rights?

    And poverty in America includes a home. Really! Have you heard of the subprime crisis? And what about all those Americans who are living rough that I often see on CNN?

    Lucy, when you get a moment, use Goggle to find a map of American military bases and how far they extend around the world. Then ask youself: why are they encircling the world with bases and missiles?

    Yes, American hegemony is alive and growing. If left unchecked, soon America will control the world not for its benefit but for that of the rich capitalists in American (like Buffalo Bill Cody).

    Americans are masters at speaking with a forked tongue. What they say and what they do, all too often, are opposites (like we support freedom and human rights while they invade sovereign countries and are on the side of Israel as they crush the Palestinians and continue to occupy them and build more settlements on their land).

    Wake up, folks! Look at the facts instead of falling for American propaganda. You are being conned!

  9. David - I detest American foreign policy as much as you, the double standards, the support for the Israeli's, the military bases, the lust for oil with no regard for other nations, the way it arrogantly demands regime changes and installs puppet governments, but that is the American Government, not the people. I hate the way my own Government spinelessly backs everything America does but it is my Government doing these things, not the British people. If you said 'American Government' instead of just the blanket 'Americans', it would be harder to argue against what you say.

  10. Lucy, this progressive agrees with you completely. There are many reasons to be wary of the US government, but painting all Americans with the same brush is not helpful to our cause.

  11. "After Bush, are people wary of having people in power with links to the Oil Industry?"

    Aside from all the people that work in the oil industry, yes.

  12. "People get the Government they deserve."

    But Lucy, a majority of American people voted for Bush twice so how come you argue they beyond reproach? Most of them are believers in the greed ethic and the rapacious capitalist system (like Cody) and they are obviously quite happy that America is a military Superpower and world bully.

  13. "...a majority of American people voted for Bush twice..."

    Actually, 17.9% of Americans voted for Bush in 2000(compared to 18.1% who voted for Al Gore) and 21.2% of Americans voted for Bush in 2004.

  14. "McCain's choice (and eight years of Bush) illustrates clearly just how ridiculous the whole American political system is - and how dangerous."

    Effay, your comments, if true, justifies this statement which I made in the first comment on this thread (the one Lucy disagreed with). If someone can get elected with around 20% of the vote then the system is ridiculous!

    Frankly, I'm tired of wasting my time arguing with pro-American apologists. The old statement about 'there are none so blind as those who do wish to see' applies here big-time.


  15. Well I agree that the system could be improved greatly (instant runoff voting is intriguing), although I'd still prefer it to most other electoral systems on Earth, but my point is that your Texas-sized generalizations take a lot away from any argument you may have.

    Lucy is right, if you want to criticize US politicians or the 55% of eligible voters who elect them, go right ahead - I do it all the time - but when you unjustly lump people into groups you discredit yourself and, worse, encourage your victims to identify with that group even if they didn't before. In fact, in the very same way you generalize that "America" is evil, the US government has generalized that "Iran" is evil, breeding solidarity in a country that would otherwise have none.

  16. Effay, after your astounding exercise (above) in illogicality and double-speak I give up!


  17. David, I'd be willing to put money on two things at this point:

    1) You're the only person who read Effay's point who didn't understand what he was getting at.

    2) With only a small amount of effort, you would too.

  18. Back on the subject of Michael Palin, I see that some on the American left have concluded that this is a suicidal choice:

    "A principle-free John McCain did his best these past months to dredge up all the psycho-political hobgoblins of the past 40 years -- alternately suggesting that Obama was something akin to an uppity, elite, remote and ultimately dangerous, feckless tyro. McCain swaggered onto the stage, redolent of jock straps, locker rooms and jet fuel exhaust, reassuring us that in such troubled times only his dead-serious maturity and stability could see us sternly through the storm.

    Just when he was on the brink of successfully selling that story, he was unfortunately overcome by his inner frivolity and he chose a laughable and affable nobody zealot from a three stop-light town to be his running mate. I think it was all pretty much over last Friday."

    Obviously it's in their interest to portray it that way, but still... I'm inclined to think that it's a risky-bordering-on-panicked move...

  19. Yes Daniel, I am a rapacious capitalist. I am also a Classic Liberal in the tradition of Adam Smith, Voltaire, David Hume, Friedrich Hayek, and Milton Friedman. I believe in Liberty, Individual Freedom, and Limited Government. I believe in the right of the individual not to be subordinated by the state. I believe in personal responsibility, and that there can be no success without failure. I believe in the decency of most members of the human race (except you and Phil Collins). Most importantly, I believe in choice. Not top down dictates, but bottom up individual choice. I treat each person in this world as an individual, given the benefit of the doubt until they have proven themselves to be an idiot, as you have so richly done many times in the past. The world is made up of many people, not all who fit into your own little hate filled boxes. Yes, I am an American, and I am endlessly amused by your ignorance. We are 300 million people that have 300 million different opinions, and your too stupid or hate-filled to see that. So be it, the interesting thing is that in all the sparring back and forth Daniel, you have never deigned to tell us what you actually believe in. I know what your against, but I have no idea what your for. Sad really, and a tad bit pathetic. So Daniel, why don't you pick up the gauntlet of challenge that I have laid at your feet, and try to look at the citizens of the world (especially America) as just that, individuals, and start bitching more about the Government.


  20. "Argue not with fools, frauds and fanatics. Seek instead better companions."

  21. "Argue not with fools, frauds and fanatics. Seek instead better companions."

    Oh Please, you've used that comment so many times to say your leaving, and you still turn up again. Try something new, why don't you.


  22. David g.,

    I eont want you to leave. You are unlikley to change my thinking. I'm not even trying to change yours. Still, opine on dude.


  23. "I know what your against, but I have no idea what your for."

    P.S. Cody, far be it for me to point out to an intellectual giant like you such simple things as basic grammar but where you have used 'your' I believe you should use 'you're'.

    Then I guess rich, up-themselves Americans don't have to worry about such things!

    Anonymouse, your wish is my command! Cheers.

  24. Did you really just criticize someone's grammar in a blog comment!?

  25. Hands up everyone who's never made a grammatical error in the blogosphere. You won't see my hand going up.

  26. That's your best shot? Seriously??? Now that might be the funniest thing you have ever said, and here I thought your sense of humor was surgically removed.


  27. re: the palin debacle... one almost feels sorry for the repub. candidates. almost being the key word.

  28. Just looking back to your original post, Lucy:

    "Not only is she very youthful but also very photogenic which will guarantee her, and therefore the Republican Party, plenty of airtime and column inches. "

    If only it were her youth and good looks that we were all talking about, eh? :-P

    I'm greatly enjoying all the new stories - about the Alaskan Independence Party and that 'silver tongued Lothario', Levi "I'm a f~ckin redneck!" Johnston! Marvellous stuff.

  29. And the hits just keep on coming!... Palin: a supporter (at least formerly) of the Alaskan Independence movement...

    ...wants to teach creationism in science class...

    ...opposes all abortions, even in the case of rape and incest...

    ...tried to ban books at her local library (and threatened an 'unhelpful' librarian with dismissal)...

    ...never even owned a passport until her (much vaunted) trip to Kuwait last year...

    ...laughed at a DJ while he called her political opponent a 'cancer' and a 'bitch' and joked about her weight (knowing that the opponent in question was a cancer survivor)...

    She's a wacko. What a joke!

    Let's hope McCain's old heart doesn't fail him now eh?!

  30. The more i hear about her Cheezy, the more i realise what a less than well rounded character she is. The best quote is from the DJ who said that Palin = Guns, Babies & Jesus, and to him it was a good thing! A nice reminder why the right wing should be kept well away from Office, sharp objects, economies and child naming ceremonies (Where did she get Track from).
    On the plus side, she makes Maggie Thatcher look soft and cuddly.
