FOAB Information

Friday 12 September 2008

Arrogant Europeans

Things have been slipping in the Obama camp for a while now and we can trace it back to one moment at the end of July when the Democrat nominee triumphantly stepped out to be greeted by 200,000 mullet haired Germans.
According to some commenter's, us Europeans damaged the Obama camp because we like him and for some strange reason us Euro-folk are deemed a tad arrogant by some of the burger eating invasion monkeys who refuse to pay enough attention to us over here.
So, apparently the reasoning goes, if those elitist and arrogant European Johnnies like him, he can't be all that so i'm off to vote for the old guy and the lipstick wearing pitbull.
Ever since we packed our religio's off to Holland to stock up on space cake before sailing across the Atlantic, the Europeans and Americans have bandied the 'arrogant' word at each other.
The debates on threads and other blogs tend to break down into the Americans reminding us that they saved our asses in two World Wars and we would all be speaking German if it wasn't for them and Europeans mock their Governments foreign policies and remind them that if it wasn't for the French, they would all be speaking English now.
So we should apologise to Democrats Party members in America if we have scuppered their mans chances in the upcoming election but rest assured that if McCain does get in, we will do our best to sniff patronisingly and set about telling Americans how they elected the wrong person and tut loudly over our cappuccino's in pavement cafes. It is the least we can do.
Now, a quick word about your amazingly absurd gun laws....


  1. slipping~according to the media. according to the polls. according to
    bullshit. i once found it all entertaining to some degree, but this election cycle, and what it has peeled-back and revealed about the citizenry of these united states and the trust they put in 'their' media has finally done me in. everything is so god-damned dumbed down. i am embarrassed for us all.

    now, let the tomato-throwing commence! (yawn)

  2. I can't remember the guys name, but he was on one of the American News channels (CNN possibly) ranting at Europeans for ruining Obama's chances which he said was quite a popular view there. First time i have heard that reason but it did tickle me.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lucy,

    "burger eating invasion monkeys" - good one.

    So, how would you folks like to be described? How about "porridge eating pontificators".

    It might be fun to get everybody offered their one-liner to describe Europeans...

    One thing I think you are confusing in your post is that the people that support Obama (democrats) are the pacifists alledgedly) and the vegans (alledgedly) and they acted glorified in all the attention and love that Obama got from Europe. The news is all about how ever country in the world would elect Obama as president. Alas, the world doesn't get to vote here (wow - we really are so arrogant - you know - not letting other people pick our leader).

    Concerning saving your asses... actually what probably saved your asses in WW2 was Hilter being stupid enough to invade Russia.

    It is arrogant to discuss our gun laws as well. We don't discuss your teeth...


  5. Porridge is Scottish, don't know anywhere else in Europe that the stuff in eaten apart from the highlands and a few Englanders with no taste buds left. It's disgusting. Difficult to think of something that is eaten Europe wide, some kind of pasta probably.
    Love to hear others if anyone can think of any but i would go with Spaghetti slurping know-it-alls.

  6. "Difficult to think of something that is eaten Europe wide"

    I know, MCDONALDS!!!!

    snicker snicker

  7. Brilliant stuff Cody, you got me on that one. Of course you are now banned you understand.

  8. I understand Lucy, I just wish Daniel was here for that one. He would have loved it.

    "Hearty Guffaw as Cody heads out the door"

  9. It really isn't your fault. We just know if you like something it can't be very good. You soccerized Obama.

  10. That's not true nate, we seem to like David Haselhoff and...ok, point taken.

  11. I don't know if I really care all that much if some European has something to say on American politics. If it's smart, I'll listen, if not not. If a European really wants to influence an American election, there are better ways of going about it.


  12. I love hearing other peoples opinions on matters nog. Especially current affairs and how people away from this country and it's influence see things and how we see things different to outsiders. As you say, some guy sitting the other side of the world won't influnece my decision but i love the idea of him trying.

  13. "I love hearing other peoples opinions on matters"

    To clarify, as I said, if someone is saying something smart I'll listen (hopefully more often than others). But no substance ever comes from these mass mailing things and it, at least in the circumstances relevant here, will often backfire.

    How about it this way: if a bunch of Texans sent emails to the residents of Yorkshire about gun laws to influence a MP election, what would the end result of these efforts be?

    And there are, as with most places, many good and many bad political innovations coming out of Europe. -Runoffs are a great thing (although British MP seats are still first-past-the-post the last I heard).
    -Britain's general migration policy (at least from what I know) seems to be a good idea.
    -Also, although there is great reason behind a real (written) constitution, Britain's "constitution" (although it's rather old and not so much a recent innovation) is more in touch with reality in many cases whereas in the States we lie about ours or just ignore it causing an ultimate disrespect for the law.
    -Switzerland's "everyone keep an assault rifle at home" law was a wise and foresightful piece of legislation.
    -Sweden's forest privatization has done wonders for their environment.

    -Europe might do well to adopt a more "Old American" approach to nationality which is far more inclusive. I'll unfortunately note that it seems to be the opposite with the United States taking the more exclusive European understanding of citizen and countryman.
    -Britain's progressive government encroachment on the "Rights of an Englishman" (a term which has great currency amongst educated Americans) hasn't been such a great idea.


  14. Lucy,

    "...some guy sitting the other side of the world won't influnece my decision but i love the idea of him trying."

    So, are you saying you have all the answers? Or, are you saying you are not open minded?


  15. If i had all the answers i wouldn't be seeking out other opinions or like the idea of somone possibly having an argument to make me alter my way of thinking.

  16. Lucy,

    Ok. Just trying to clarify your comment... I thought you were sounding a bit like me for second. :-)


  17. Being Texan Q, and my knowledge of Texan accents being solely from the film Giant (great film), to sound like you would probably dislocate my jaw.

  18. Lucy,

    The character barely had an accent compared to me. I would add that since his was both fake and bad that I would hurt myself trying to sound the way he sounded in that movie. BTW - All three of my sisters think it is the best movie of all time - except maybe Gone With The Wind.

    W has a real Texas accent, though the accent is different in various parts of Texas. He sounds like he is from West Texas - nasally - which he is. East Texas sounds different - more like the accents in Gone With The Wind. Dallas area is different again - they say piller instead of pillow or Warshington instead of Washington. My part of Texas has a strong German influence, but the drawl is still there... In San Antonio they call their city San Antonya. Then in Houston the people call their city Yewston.

    What a mess.

