FOAB Information

Thursday 25 September 2008

Little Britain USA

America, this is your lucky day, the day the British invade again however this British invasion plans to be much funnier than any musicians or revolutions that there has been in the past.
So starts the spin off of Little Britain which is due to hit America right between the eyes later this month.
Some of the Matt Lucas And David Walliams characters were always pretty close to being offensive and from the scenes on view of their American version, they plan to insult, outrage and entertain in the same style stateside. I will be very interested to see how the completely non politically correct show goes down over there with characters such as the teenager perving after his friends grandmother or the adult who demands 'bitty'.
The pair have introduced American characters especially and include a Sheriff sexually obsessed with guns, a pair of hunters who avoid shooting anything dangerous and Bing Gordy, the bitter eighth astronaut on the moon.
What Little Britain did spectacularly here was to take the eccentric aspects of Britishness and ridicule it outrageously. How Americans will react to a couple of Englishmen creating caricatures of Americans behaviour, culture and beliefs and making fun of it relentlessly will be intriguing.
As a taster of the sort of humour to be expected, here is weight guidance counsellor Marjorie Dawes conducting a meeting which includes Rosie O'Donnell in the Fat Fighters group.
"Rosie, Are you fat because you're a lesbian or are you a lesbian because you're fat and couldn't get a man?"


  1. Saw it. Not funny, and it's pretty lame that they bash Americans. The concept makes no sense. Leave America satire to Americans.

    HBO produces another flop. Thankfully it's only six episodes. Three series of Little Britain was enough.

  2. I thought two was enough. There's a lot to be said for doing a 'Fawlty Towers' or an 'Office' i.e. quitting while you're ahead.

    Not to worry though, comedy fans. The second series of 'Flight of the Conchords' is currently being produced :-p

  3. I'm an "Entourage" guy myself. HBO has been desperate since the Soprano's ended, and I don't think Little Britain or John from Cincinnati will save it.

  4. Lucy,

    Some people will take it personally and hate it. Others will laugh until they cry.

    The U.S. does has had a few edgy comedians over the years so it won't be a first...

