FOAB Information

Saturday 4 October 2008

Nailin' Paylin

It isn't unusual for American Presidents to have a movie made about them. Oliver Stone has made just such a film about the present man in the big seat but I don't recall a film ever being made about a Vice President and certainly not before they have their buttocks in the chair but then Sarah Palin's film isn't going to be some big budget blockbuster.
Larry Flynt, owner of Hustler and purveyor of 'men's material', has been busily producing a hard core skin flick about the Alaskan presidential candidate, self-proclaimed lipstick wearing pitbull and mother of five.
Titled 'Nailin' Paylin', it stars 36-year-old porn actress Lisa Ann in the title role who is a certified dental assistant but gave it all up for, well, another kind of filling altogether in fims such as Big Rack Attack 2 and You've Got a Mother Thing Cumming 2.
As yet nobody is making a film about the Democrats so that's one in the eye for Obama, or possibly for the actress playing Palin if she isn't concentrating.


  1. Lucy, for many Americans, movies are the reality. They live in a permanent celluloid world, one filled with impossibly handsome men and gorgeous women who, in a corny plot, blatantly flash their silicon breasts and groan loudly at the appropriate time.

    Sarah, with five children, must have groaned a lot in between shooting moose and running a town of 3,000 people.

    The current financial crisis will soon be made into a movie, perhaps one starring Bruce Willis who'll come riding in on a white horse to save Wall Street and the money-grubbing American way just like Hopalong Cassidy used to do.


  2. Cody, there's a new article on by Mike Whitney (an American) called: The New American Century: Cut Short By 92 Years.

    You really should put your Playboy magazines away for a short time and, leaving yourself alone, read it (I don't think it's beyond your intellectual grasp).

    It might put you in touch with what's happening in the real world. That would be a whole new experience for you.

  3. I remember the Gordon Gecko style films of the 80s where lunch was for wimps and greed was good. The right wing era of Thatcher and Reagan but mostly a time when Maggie sold off everything that wasn't nailed down that has since turned into a nightmare that rather than reverse, our governments try to keep afloat. When the brown stuff hits the fan we have to turn to Socialist principles to get us out of it just knowing that when things turn around and the going is good again, it will be flogged to the highest bidder and the taxpayer will have taken all the risk and someone else will get the profits once it all picks up. Someone get my beret and cigar, it's revolution time.

  4. Ok, two quick comments. First of all Daniel, I read the article you mentioned. So what, you found an American that agrees with your wackjob fantasies. The only proves my point that every time you try to pigeonhole us, you sound stupid and ill informed. I say that we are a very diverse 300 million, not a collective oneness that seems to excite you while quivering over your computer screen in the dark.

    Lucy, you have taken many a pot shot (deservedly so IMHO) at your and my government for war mongering, idiocy, and general incompetency. Now your solution to this is to cede MORE power to these institutions to oversee our daily lives? I don't follow that logic at all, and unless I'm thrown into one of Daniel's "re-education" camps/gulags, I don't think I ever will. Is it that collectivism does work, it just hasn't been done by the right people? NO, it doesn't work, it will become corrupt with power. This is why I believe in LIMITED GOVERNMENT and LIBERTY, and I accept the imperfections of said system knowing that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Please don't think the present Bear market, which I have seen before, and will see again, is the result of "deregulated" financial institutions. Fannie and Freddie are GOVERNMENT institutions, with all the accompanying incompetencies and idiocies. The system has had bubbles before, and will have them again, as regular as the seasons. Please remember two very important natural laws, that although distasteful, cannot be argued out of existence no matter how deep we want to put our heads in the sands.

    1. ““Every great cause,” Eric Hoffer wrote, “begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.””

    2. T.A.N.S.T.A.A.F.L

    As I said, you might not like them, but you can't will them out of existence. Ok, rant is officially over. I'm going back to my Cubs mourning. Maybe Daniel was right, maybe we should outlaw athletics, my delicate psyche can't handle another 100 years of this crap.

  5. Cody, the present bee in my bonnet regarding the nationlisation, something i have banged on about for as long as i can recall as well as wanting to extend it to other areas, is that private companies take them over and make massive profits. When they fall over, we buy them back and make them profitable again at which time we then sell them back again to another private owner to stuff their pockets with. We should buy them and keep them so we get the benefit, not do all the hard work for someone else's benfit.
    The Government are a useless bunch of incompetents but i'd rather they run places for our benefit than incompetent private owners running places for their own benfit.

  6. David g.,

    Much to broad a statement about Americans. The extreme statements undo all credibility.


  7. Whoa Cody,

    Wippin out Eric Hoffer!!! High Five brother...

    I love "The True Believer".


  8. How did we get from Big Rack Attack 2
    to a psychology book about interchangable belief systems?

  9. All part of the fun and games that are part and parcel of Lucy's place.

  10. sarah palin-she winks while she's fuckin'...yeeehawwww!! whatta woman.
    (wink wink, nudge nudge)

  11. Well, there you go. I give Cody an article to read and he dismisses it because it opposes everything he believes in. Stubbornly, he continues on with his delusion that America is filled with 300 million thinking people none of whom are the same.

    Yet these same 'individuals' elected George Bush. Twice. These same 'individuals' stood by while their Government allowed the money-grubbers to wreck their financial system. These 'individuals' stood by while their Government took away many of their rights, spied on them, stopped them protesting, etc. These 'individuals' allowed Bush to invade Afghanistan and Iraq on false pretexts. These 'individuals', over decades, have supported the brutal Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Israel, etc. A flock of sheep would have more individuality than the bulk of people in America, Cody.

    And your constant, pathetic efforts to gloss over the shortcomings of your country and its people is both mischievous and counterproductive and it continuously undermines much of what Lucy is trying to do on her blog.

    Are you on the payroll of the Republican Party? If so, they're not getting much value.

  12. funny stuff! talking about the blog... the comments to an extent..

  13. glad we got that straight, letters.
    ah,'ll certainly be missed
    here. i can't say i will miss some of the commenters. you seem to attract some very interesting ones. especially the rabid thumpers. sorry, i am just really tired if people pushing their fairy tale on me.
    'thanks but no thanks' ; )

  14. Between me and you Annie, the person poised to make over is still making up his mind so until then, you got me filling the internet with nonsense.
