FOAB Information

Sunday 26 October 2008

US Widening Middle East Conflict

It is not easy to defend American foreign policy whoever it is under. Obama said a while back that he would go into Pakistan to hunt the Taliban whether the Pakistan Government gave him permission or not. Predictably a backlash against America pursued and intensified when innocent civilians were killed earlier this month in missile attacks on the Pakistan side of the border.
It is this arrogance emanating from the American leadership that it can just ride roughshod over any Government they wish that fans the flames of negativity and extremism.
Now four US military helicopters have struck an area of farms and factories five miles inside Syria's border, killing four adults and four children.
The White House and CIA declined to comment on reports of the attack but an Iraqi security source in Baghdad confirmed that eight people had been killed.
One has to ask are the Americans deliberately trying to widen the conflict or are they just being so arrogant that they believe they can just cross into any border and drop their deadly payloads?
The Pakistan Government recently passed a resolution proclaiming that: "the nation stands united against any American incursions and invasions of the homeland, and calls upon the government to deal with it effectively".
Pakistani ground troops have already opened fire at US helicopters, prompting American forces to fire back as we witness the frightening scenario of more countries being sucked into the conflict.
America recently condemned Russia for going into Georgia after Georgia attacked Russian civilians and yet it is happy to send its military into Syria and Pakistan, inflaming passions in an area where they are already running high.
The excuse already put forward is that foreign fighters were coming from Syria to attack American troops in Iraq but according to the Los Angeles Times, almost half of the foreign militants involved in attacks on US troops are from Saudi Arabia, embarrassingly an ally of the US.
The America military has to be strongly condemned for its actions in Pakistan and Syria because it is fast becoming the best recruitment Sargent that Al Queada ever had and deepens the hatred with unlawful tactics that shamefully, both men who are vying for the seat in the White House, have already said they would continue.


  1. The American military can't be the only ones condemned, Lucy. They are just carrying out the orders of their imperialist political masters in Washington who in turn are doing the bidding of monied power-brokers and religious fanatics.

    America, currently, is a scourge. I don't think a change in their politics (should it occur) will alter much either.

    I'm hoping they go bankrupt before they cause even more problems!

  2. Lucy,

    You lost me here...

    "The excuse already put forward is that foreign fighters were coming from Syria to attack American troops in Iraq but according to the Los Angeles Times, almost half of the foreign militants involved in attacks on US troops are from Saudi Arabia, embarrassingly an ally of the US."

    How does the fact that half of the militants are coming from Saudi Arabia negate the statement that foreign fighters are coming from Syria?


  3. Q,
    I don't think that the Saudi Arabia things negates the Syria things, but there is a double standard. The Saudis teach the Protocols of The Elders of Zion in their public schools like it isn't total BS and the guys at the top call them "allies". They are one of the most repressive states in the world and the guys calling the shots in the State Department complain about lesser repression in other states. There's ethnic cleansing in other states, they already finished that up in Saudi Arabia.

    I sure as hell don't want to be in any photo-ops with the King over there. He isn't making anyone any friends.

    And who's trying to defend the guys making American government foreign policy choices?


  4. The US has already for years been Al Qaeda's best recruiting Sargent, and they're only getting better.

    If I have to choose between McCain and Obama, I'll take Obama, but I agree with you, there's not much to choose between them.

  5. Q - The point i was trying to put across was that Saudi Arabia supplies by far the most insurgents who attack the US troops, so the obvious place to start if wanting to stop the influx would be Saudi Arabia. My guess would be that a few more volunteers will be found in Syria after this though.

  6. Thanks for clarifying Lucy.

