FOAB Information

Sunday 28 December 2008

Still Disliking Israel

I was going to write a diatribe against Israels actions in Gaza that has left over 280 dead and injured over 1000 but then realised, what's the point?
There are 3 countries that can stomp around blowing fellow humans to pieces and avoid censure that befalls everyone else, the USA, the UK and Israel.
It seems an endless task to berate these three for their actions and disregard for human life but no matter how many bombs they drop on civilians in Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon or Palestine, they are just allowed to carry on with impunity and wheel out weak and pathetic justifications for their actions.
Over 5000 Palestinians have now been killed by Israel since Ariel Sharon's thoughtless actions reignited the latest infatida in 2000 and bloggers like David and I have been fierce opponents of what Israel have done since but bizarrely, the likes of the USA and UK give tacit approval to the continued slaughter going on in the West Bank and Gaza.
What other country could callously kill 280 people and not be hauled over the coals with calls of boycotts and the removal of funding? Israel it seems, and that stinks and with the pro-Israel Obama and Hillary taking over the reigns of the White House, the lot of the Palestinians is not going to get any better.
It is to our eternal shame that our Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, puts out the usual pathetic message mumbling something about restraint and cool heads and not leading the calls to suspend Israel from the UN or put economic sanctions in place as he did against Russia earlier in the year.
I am the last person to want to send troops anywhere but maybe it is time for the United Nations to deploy a few thousand troops to the area to stop Hamas firing missiles over the wall into Israel and to stop Israel from continuing its genocide against the citizens of Palestine.
I have said it before and still it holds true that I find it really hard to find any likable quality about Israel.


  1. Welcome back Lucy. What Israel is doing in Gaza is beyond words although genocide seems to fit. The UN will not send troops to the area because britain and the states will veto it as they always do, they won't even allow any condemnation of israels actions so there is no chance of troops going there. I am sure that Israel has some likable qualities somewhere but they are just very well hid.

  2. Thanks for the linking, Lucy.

    Those who hate injustice must stand together against religious fanatics who love war and imperialism AND those who support them.

    Only Britain and America in the U.N. supported the carnage that Israel is wreaking in Gaza.

    Casualties so far: 290-1! Sounds a bit one-sided to me.


  3. Excuse me, but when do we actually start telling the gutless swine of Hamas that if their balls are as big as their guns they would meet Israel on the battle field instead of hiding in the homes of the innocent?

    These punks continue to intimidate the people and essentially force their way into their homes to hide their artillery and fire their rockets from said locations.

    Hamas use's this ploy constantly to draw on world sympathy. They fire their rockets into Israel knowing they will respond by firing at the destination of where the rockets were fired from.

    Hamas has ALOT to answer for. But as long as their hiding behind the skirts of their women I guess that answer will remain elusive.

  4. You really should call yourself The Intolerable Intolerant One!

  5. It certainly is bemusing that Russia gets it in the neck for a conflict that was 90% Georgia's doing, while Israel does its usual 'massive retaliation' thing and barely gets a diplomatic rap on the knuckles from Gordon Brown.

    Mind you, I stopped looking for this government's alleged 'ethical foreign policy' many years ago. Blair's craven support for the immoral invasion of Iraq was the final nail in that particular coffin.

    "if their balls are as big as their guns they would meet Israel on the battle field "

    It's human nature that, in any conflict, you use what you've got, Intolerant One. i.e. If you'd get blown to pieces on a battlefield, then you'll tend to avoid the battlefield and try to achieve your objectives by other means - even reprehensible ones. Nelson Mandela (among many others) will tell you that. As will the Israelis themselves, if they remember back to their own Stern Gang, a Zionist organisation that would have been outgunned on any 'battlefield', and who therefore used irregular warfare (terrorism, assassinations) to achieve their ends.

  6. TIO, feel free to defend the genocide of innocent civilans in their homes, schools and universites and deflect the blame for those actually doing the bomb dropping onto those same 'intimidated people' who have been 'forced to hide artillery' in their homes.
    So is it all their own fault then for not telling Hamas to take their missiles elsewhere when they come knocking and Israel take no responsibility for their war-crime of carpet bombing civilan areas and killing hundreds of innocent bystanders?
    With that skewed logic you could excuse any tyrant throughout history.

  7. I see from your blog The Intolerant One that you are a deeply religious man so is it fair to say that in your religion they preach that it is okay for certain people to inflict death and pain onto certain other people or does your religion miss out that part? Your god must be very proud that you condone the killing of hundreds of innocent people and by the Jews of all people who have turned from the pasts victims to the present perpetrators of mindless death of others.

  8. Anony"mouse"

    I see from your blog The Intolerant One that you are a deeply religious man

    You see wrong. I abhor "religion" by the true definiton of the word. I have no belief in organized instutionalisation of the masses. I believe in a personal relationship with my God.

    so is it fair to say that in your religion they preach that it is okay for certain people to inflict death and pain onto certain other people

    Actually it is very unfair to say because you are clueless to what my faith preaches. Odd how people such as yourself would probably accuse me of "judging" them should I make any attempt at describing them based on one comment they made.

    I also resent you bringing my "belief" into the subject matter considering I did not. Nor did I incorporate it in any such way with regards to my opinions. Stick to the subject matter such as I did. If you want to attack me personally based on your judegemental pre-conceptions you can reach me personally at my blog site thru my e-mail.

    For your uneducated information, what I do believe is the right to defend one's own backyard. We can argue till the cows come home over who is really to blame in this whole debacle but in my books, if you fire gunshots into my backyard amd then hide behind my neighbours house for protection? I will break thru his fence to get at you for trying to inflict harm upon my family.

    What exactly do you expect Israel to do? Sit back and suck their thumbs while waiting for the UN to pull their fingers out of their ass? If Hamas really wanted an end to it all, then stop firing the dang rockets from civilian territory. They are just as guilty, if not more, for violating all the useless Geneva convention articles.

    Your god must be very proud that you condone the killing of hundreds of innocent people

    This asinine and redundant statement clearly shows how inept you are at reading clearly into what I said. First, as seems to be your pattern, you "go off" on my Faith. Great, you cannot address my opinion on the matter so you make it a personal attack. (Again) How tolerant of you!

    Now, oh wise one, please show me one sentence where I endorsed, encouraged, cheered, and/or applauded the death of innocent people? In fact, if you took the time to see thru your little cloud of red smoke I condemend the guilty (Hamas) for hiding in civilian territory in an attempt to draw fire their way so they could rely on the bleeding hearts, such as yourself, to pat them on the bum and feel sorry for them.

    I do feel for the innocent which is why I am quite "ripped" with the cowardly acts of the Hamas. They continue to committ "acts of war" and then violate the Geneva convention by bringing it into civilian territory.

    If you think of something intelligent to say, try addressing it to me and stop your incessant rants and attacks on my personal faith. I did not bring it into the equation and neither should you. Try sticking to the topic and clue into the reality that not everybody on planet Earth will agree with you.

    You and I can both agree that what is going on a world away is tired and wearing. We just do not see eye to eye on who should stand down. That has nothing to do with my God or my faith!

  9. Lucy,

    TIO, feel free to defend the genocide of innocent civilans in their homes, schools and universites and deflect the blame

    I could throw that statement right back at ya Lucy. From my perspective, you are doing exactly the same thing.

    So is it all their own fault then for not telling Hamas to take their missiles elsewhere when they come knocking

    You are, in a way, supporting my point. These civilians are threatened by Hamas with death if they do not comply. They are, in fact, intimidated to allow these cowards into their homes.

    Which is why I am boggled that nobody here seems pissed with the way these yahoo's essentially kidnap the innocents and hold them for ransom by attempting to use them as human sheilds. The is exactly what they are doing.

  10. Cheesy,

    you use what you've got, Intolerant One. i.e. If you'd get blown to pieces on a battlefield, then you'll tend to avoid the battlefield and try to achieve your objectives by other means -

    Sorry cheesy. I strongly disagree. According to the traditions of war, if you are outgunned, at that point you wave the white flag.

    What Hamas is attempting to do is a form of terrorism, period. And by your statement, your saying that because they are the weaker force they are justified?

    So are saying, for my own understanding, that one is entitled to fight according to their means? If so then you are obligated to justify Israel as well.

    Can anyone here say in full confidence that they truly believe that Israel would continue to fire rockets IF Hamas actually packed up and went home?

  11. Do you foam at the mouth when you're at the keyboard, OIO? Do your knuckles drag on the ground when you walk? Do people look in one of your ears and see out the other?

  12. Anony"Mouse"

    Once again you display your lack of intellect...not to mention your tolerance. :)

    You truly are incapable of a valid opinion when you addressed absolutley squat!

  13. TIO: When you copied and pasted my quote, you missed out the first few words, which are quite important in understanding the rest of it. Here they are now:

    "It's human nature that, in any conflict, you use what you've got, Intolerant One."

    Human nature. Not 'traditions of war', about which you go on to say:

    "According to the traditions of war, if you are outgunned, at that point you wave the white flag."

    My own observation of many groups throughout history is that when they've been outgunned on the battlefield, they haven't abandoned their goals, but they've frequently gone on to use other methods to try and achieve them. Even after a formal 'white flag' from their government. Sometimes these have been political and legal methods, sometimes passive resistance, and sometimes using the 'irregular' militia in the form of terrorism and guerilla warfare.

    And as I say, the Israelis themselves have done this. Now that they have a massive regular military, of course, they have no need to.

    "And by your statement, your saying that because they are the weaker force they are justified?"

    Nope. Not what I said at all. I'm not justifying either side taking the lives of innocents. I think it's barbaric and ultimately self-defeating. And, as the protagonists who are squabbling over this scrap of dirt are basically divided down religious lines, I also think the whole thing is incredibly stupid. The Martians are laughing at us.

    "Can anyone here say in full confidence that they truly believe that Israel would continue to fire rockets IF Hamas actually packed up and went home?"

    No, but I can say in full confidence that Israel would not continue to fire those rockets. Just as I can say in full confidence that if Israel was disestablished and all the jews toddled off to live in other countries then Hamas wouldn't continue trying kill jews with their own rockets. That's the thing about conflicts. When they get resolved, they get resolved.

  14. Oh, please save us! TIO is a religious fruitcake. Is it any wonder he's intolerant and pro-Jewish!

    Run for the hills!

  15. TIO, in the 120 or so words you used, not once did you mention any sadness for the loss of life in Palestine, rather, everything you did say was to justify Israel's actions. You support Israels actions, fine, i disagree with you but i have never supported Hamas when it killed the 14 Israeli citizens over the past 8 years but you seem to be justifying Israel killing almost 350 Palestinians in one weekend. I know you are not, but that was how it seemed when i read it also and with an emotive subject such as this, you will draw some spikey comments.

    Not sure what him being a god botherer has to do with it though Anon unless you think TIO is backing Israel for religious reasons which you seem to assume.

  16. Anony"mouse",

    Once again you have no clever arguement. (Big surprise!) It is rather obvious you cannot handle a verbal spanking with someone who has an opinion that differs from yours. Your only response to is too insult with name calling. Very mature for sucha "tolerant" individual.

    No wonder you don't have a blog, you really do have nothing to say.

    intolerant and pro-Jewish!

    LOL yeah and your tolerance is all over your ignorant, immature, childish responses!

    And "pro-Jewish??? What is that supposed to mean? (don't expect you to answer)

    Let me guess, your from the "Master Race" and nobody is allowed to support the Jews.

    Lucy, I know you are always open to diverse views and opinions but this ass really has nothing to say except to hurl insults when "it" has no intelligent response to "it's" own comments.

    You have always kept it at a level of maturity, I am surprised you have allowed this religious bigot to continue.
