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Saturday 31 January 2009

Making Money From Blogging

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times said Charles Dickens and although he was describing the early 19th Century it could be applied to now with the bankers whooping it up with our money and the rest of us nervously eyeing the cheap toilet paper on the supermarket shelves.
I know some people who claim they make a few extra pounds through their blogs so how do they do it?

The most obvious way is by putting ads on your blog and there are countless sites just waiting for you to sign up. Not sure if it is the best or most profitable but Google AdSense seems the most popular. The blurb explains that AdSense matches the ads to your site's content and you earn every time an ad is clicked although it cleverly answers the question 'How much do I get paid?' with the best way to find out how much you'll earn is to sign up and start showing ads on your web pages.
Another popular ad placing revenue stream is Text Link Ads which inserts links to other sites on your blog and you receive 50% of the price each link was sold for. Depending on how many links and the price paid for these links is how much you earn.
Another popular program is Linkshare which requires you to place links and banners on your blog or in Emails which directs traffic to advertisers’ Web sites. Advertisers will pay a commission for each purchase.
Another alternative is to email a business direct asking them if they would like to pay to add a banner or ad to your blog but this is probably only attractive to blogs with high volume of traffic.
Another method that i have seen is blogs selling T-Shirts, Mugs, Stickers and other merchandise with the blog’s name, logo or catchphrase on it.
Syndication is an option which has the bonus of seeing your posts turn up on some high profile media sites and after the initial selection process and RSS set up, you just blog as usual and wait for the monthly statements to drop into your inbox.
Newstex have a great reputation in this field and have a growing portfolio of big name clients although notoriously picky about the quality of blogs that they choose. Another such company is Blogburst who also have a large client base but they use a leader board of the top 100 blogs and only pay out to these bloggers although if you can break into this tiny percentage the rewards can be as much as $50 to $1500. I wouldn't hold your breath though as the top 100 seems to consist of corporate bloggers.
Blogger Jobs is a site that does exactly as its name implies and advertises jobs for bloggers. It also has a bloggers for hire page where bloggers can place their CV for potential clients to see and contact them.
Probably the most cheekiest way is a direct plea for donations to keep going but not sure how well that that works although full marks and good luck to anyone who tries it.

I am sure that there are many other ways to make money from your blog and i would be very interested in hearing about them if anyone would like to share. If we can just keep one person in quilted toilet paper and out of the grip of the thin and nasty two-ply, this post would have been worth the effort.

1 comment:

  1. very nice post.
    Its very good to read that your blog can make money for you.
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