FOAB Information

Thursday 1 January 2009

What New Year Resolutions?

New Years Day and a time for that new brush to sweep away all our old habits and replace them with new resolutions. Goodbye cigarettes, filter coffee, chocolate and alcohol and hello exercise bike, 2 litres of water daily and bran for breakfast.
My annual stopping smoking resolution traditionally went the way of every other annual stopping smoking resolution and lasted as long as it took me to find my lighter this morning. The switching on of the coffee machine meant that a second resolution quickly went the same way.
Alcohol and chocolate fell soon afterwards as i stole the Snickers out of my husbands Christmas selection pack as we made our way to the local Wetherspoons for the Annual New Years afternoon get together with friends.
I can therefore shamefully claim to have broken every single one of my resolutions within 3 hours of being awake which probably isn't a good thing.
The newspapers are all claiming that 2009 is going to be a bit rubbish due to the recession but that all depends upon your circumstances. If you are in a secure job it is kerching time as prices for everything is going to drop like a stone and the low cost of fuel means we can all upgrade our cars to helicopters to get to work.
If you have lost your job already or are in a not so stable area of employment, things are not looking quite so hot as unemployment is expected to spiral and prices rise as the Chancellor claws back the money he gave to the bankers by whacking up VAT.
Maybe it would be best to just skip 2009 and go straight to 2010 where the DVLA will be taking on extra staff to deal with the influx of applications for helicopter licences.
All the best for the New Year.

1 comment:

  1. You should make a New Years Resolution to make your New Years Resolutions for 2010 more realistic. No coffee? No booze? You're only human.
