FOAB Information

Thursday 30 April 2009

Please Go Petition Tops No 10 Site

Oh come on people, the Labour Party didn't set up the Downing Street e-petition site so anyone can just drop by and heap even more abuse on the hapless Scot in charge. What it is there for is to engage voters in discussion on topics of concern and to show the Government our thoughts and what we would like to see done about them.
The person who created the 'Please Go Gordon' petition obviously thought he was raising a legitimate concern as did the 36,700 signatories that made it the most popular campaign on the Prime Minister's own website.
I expect that as news gets out about this petition, the number of petitioners will go through the roof and a petition will be raised urging the Leader to hang around a bit longer yet. Actually, there is one already and its attracted 31 signatories including a Mr Gordon Brown and a Mrs Gordon Browns mum.
The No 10 e-petition page was set up in 2006 and the Prime Minister's office responds to petitions with more than 200 signatures which may be interesting.
The Labour Party's other recent trip online was Gordon Brown making an announcement about his Party's expenses scandal on YouTube but that ended with user comments being switched off after a deluge of unsavoury comments.
Yes, it is funny and Gordon has been on the sharp end of a good shoeing recently but remember that he is going to be in charge for at least another 12 months yet so let's not peak too soon. We have to pace ourselves people.


  1. If I was a member of the Labour Party, I'd be hoping that Brown doesn't go before the next election. Bearing in mind that not even a Prime Minister who was a combination of Superman, Jesus and Barack Obama could prevent a massive pummelling in the polls next year, what would be the point in changing now? Far better to start with a clean slate - preferably Milliband; please god not Harriet Harman - a few months after the Tories regain power.

  2. I have conflicting views about the next election. Obviously Labour are going to get a beating of biblical proportions and i am more than happy with that but...the consequence of that is a David Cameron led Conservative Government for at least the next 5 years and that's worse than painful to think of. I have my hopes pinned on a hung parliament.
    I would join Michael Caine moving abroad if Harman or Hazel Blears ever got the top job.

  3. Lucy,

    Where abroad? Texas? I mean you of course, not Michael Cain. We already have enough uneducated, illogical, arrogant, whiney actors...


  4. I don't know anything about Texas except its hot there and i'm far too fair skinned for anywhere like that. I recently watched a show about Montana and it looked beautiful with the mountains, open landscapes and clean sparkling lakes so based on a 1 hour show and my ignorance of the other 49 states, i would choose Montana if i was heading to your side of Ocean.

  5. Good pick 3 months out of the year. The other 9 months the temp is around -15c,


  6. Not sure i could handle 9 months of -15c, no matter how nice the scenery.
    As i'm from Hampshire, maybe i would be obliged to take a look at New Hampshire.

  7. Lucy,

    Cold there 9 months a year too. May I suggest Southern Colorado (Buena Vista, Salida), North Carolina (Ashville), Virginnia, Kentucky (Lexington), or Tennesse (Nashville or Knoxville).

